Widescreen Gaming Forum

New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?
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Author:  Mythiasis [ 05 Feb 2009, 00:28 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

I'm about to delve into the TH2Go experience and wanted to be sure I'm getting decent monitors:


I'm going with these due to the great prices currently. Unless someone has other suggestions.

Author:  Typhoon2000 [ 05 Feb 2009, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

You may want to check the list of monitors capable of running 5040x1050@57Hz http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/9399 first before splashing out. Or at least test the monitors before buying.

Author:  Mythiasis [ 05 Feb 2009, 04:00 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

You may want to check the list of monitors capable of running 5040x1050@57Hz http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/9399 first before splashing out. Or at least test the monitors before buying.

I saw that list, but it is no where nears exhausted.

Is anyone out there using Sceptres?

Author:  L2Phantom [ 05 Feb 2009, 10:30 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

Eh, when I went to Best Buy comparing monitors the Sceptre's had a really poor color/sharpness to it compared to some of the others. I didn't really give them a second look. :?

Edit: Those have a very low contrast ratio, you're colors are going to not look as crisp as some other monitors.

Author:  Mythiasis [ 05 Feb 2009, 19:17 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

Well, I just got a reply from Sceptre and the 1680 x 1050 resolution at 57hz is not supported. So they are out.

Guess I'll drop down to 22"s and have more options.

Any suggestions?

Author:  Mythiasis [ 06 Feb 2009, 18:21 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

What do you guys think about the Samsung 2433BW?


16:10 Aspect
VR 56~75
Free shipping too.

There's the 22" option, Samsung T220 Rose:


16:10 Aspect
VR 56~75
Gotta pay shipping on those though.

If you think both will work, I'll probably go with the 24" as they may actually be cheaper with free shipping.

::mouse hovering over the BUY button anxiously::

Author:  Mythiasis [ 06 Feb 2009, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

Ok, well I'm going for the Samsung 24"s.

Samsung support said it will display at 1680x1050 at 57hz, but you would have overscan issues; which can be adjusted.

So I'll let you know how it goes and we'll add another Samsung monitor to the list - one way or another.

Author:  -Deckard- [ 06 Feb 2009, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  New TH2Go Delver - Monitors?

These look interesting, don't know if they would work unfortunately , or if theyre any good.
referenced by nVidia here http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d_stereo.html#displays

I'm guessing you could run 3d on centre monitor (might need to plug in direct), or triplehead with 2 generic outside monitors.
Would be even better if you could get 3 in triplehead.

Seems a better option than the GeForce 3D Vision
and buying the Samsung® SyncMaster™ 2233RZ 120Hz LCD ,
which I very much doubt will work in triplehead.

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