Widescreen Gaming Forum

Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n
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Author:  jessyjack10 [ 15 Feb 2009, 06:35 ]
Post subject:  Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n

Even though I've register on this forum a while back , I am still a noob and need your feedback.

Fist off, I'm looking for 3 x 24" wide screen monitors and would like suggestions on which ones to get. The size of bezel is also an issue of course. I know that viewsonic always seem to have small bezel and I found this one, what do u think ?


Also, there's the 3d glasses from nvidia that seem to be getting nice reviews. Now they require monitor with 120 hz. Do any of u have these and use them with TH2G ????
I wonder if I should put in the little extra and get monitors that will work with the galsses and th2g.


Author:  Typhoon2000 [ 16 Feb 2009, 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n

Seeing how TH2go does not support more than 57Hz in widescreen mode, I guess that these glasses wont work in triple head regardless of monitor.

Author:  jessyjack10 [ 16 Feb 2009, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n

That makes sense ! I didn't think of that.

Author:  Mythiasis [ 20 Feb 2009, 23:59 ]
Post subject:  Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n


I run 3x 24" Samsung 2433BWs with TH2Go in 5040x1050 and use Nvidia's GeForce 3D drivers to play in Anaglyph 3D.

Just don't tell my neice I stole her Hanna Montana 3D glasses. ; )

Newegg.com actually has a great deal on them with a rebate until 2/28.


My set up:

I'm using Windows 7 and have to run older 175 drivers to get the 5040x1050 in games, but Windows will only run at the desktop at 3840x1024; which is fine, as long as my games work.

Here are a couple of me playing:

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 21 Feb 2009, 00:20 ]
Post subject:  Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n

I have no problems with Win7 BETA and 5040 (apart from having to reset to 5040 after restarts and games finish). I am using the BETA GXM and 182.06...setting 5040 only by using the GXM edit mode list.

Author:  jessyjack10 [ 21 Feb 2009, 05:46 ]
Post subject:  Which 24" wide screen do u suggest and anyone use the n

Hey thanks Mythiasis,

today, just before reading your post I went to buy 3 x samsung 2443bw which were on special at future shop for 299$ each ( canadian ).

So you're saying that they don't work with nvidia glasses cause they're not 120hz monitor but that they can work with regular cheap 3d glasses.

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