Widescreen Gaming Forum

Wolfenstein & Th2g
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Author:  thenjwaslike [ 19 Aug 2009, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

anyone tried this game yet????

well... when in game it does show resolution support upto 5040x1050.
for me, im limited to 3840x1024 however it does not span thru all monitors using 3840x1024 res.

maybe this game is still fresh from launch but i mean come on, far cry 2 worked with th2g out the box.

this game seems cool enough to play it thru but kinda frustrating how it doesnt work!!!

Author:  CY:G [ 19 Aug 2009, 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Game uses ID Tech 4 engine, so im guessing it will need some custom fixes like Doom 3, hopefully im wrong :)

Author:  thefunk007 [ 20 Aug 2009, 21:05 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Same problem, game only plays on the centre screen and only half of that as well, guess I will shelve it until a fix is posted :-)

Author:  JazW [ 21 Aug 2009, 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

It's possible to remove the letterboxing by changing r_letterBoxedWidth to your screen width, but then it draws everything stretched out horizontally :S

r_customAspectRatioV and r_customAspectRatioH seem to have been replaced with r_initialAspectRatio, but changing it doesnt seem to do anything?

Author:  MackXX [ 22 Aug 2009, 03:31 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Do the same thing you do for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars:


I got the beta running in triplehead with no problems.

Now Activision just has to pull thier heads out of 1999s butts and digitally distribute this.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 22 Aug 2009, 04:00 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Now Activision just has to pull thier heads out of 1999s butts and digitally distribute this.

Activision does digitally distribute, it's Raven and (on new titles) id that seem to be opposed to it. Someone high up at id recently said Rage and Doom 4 would not be available digitally at release either.

I do like Steam, but it's not like buying a disc once in a while will kill me.

Author:  elior77 [ 22 Aug 2009, 14:29 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Do the same thing you do for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars:


I got the beta running in triplehead with no problems.

Now Activision just has to pull thier heads out of 1999s butts and digitally distribute this.

Can't get it right, can you help meus out ?

10x !

Author:  thales100 [ 22 Aug 2009, 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Do the same thing you do for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars:


I got the beta running in triplehead with no problems.

Cool, gonna try it as soon as i get my copy. :P

Edit: Can anyone confirm that this will work with the retail version of Wolfenstein ? :?:

Author:  Lev_Astov [ 22 Aug 2009, 15:46 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

Cool, gonna try it as soon as i get my copy. :P

Edit: Can anyone confirm that this will work with the retail version of Wolfenstein ? :?:

It seems it does not. I've been fiddling with it all morning, and the above post did not help. I have been unsuccessful in making it not stretched.

Author:  thales100 [ 22 Aug 2009, 16:38 ]
Post subject:  Wolfenstein & Th2g

It seems it does not. I've been fiddling with it all morning, and the above post did not help. I have been unsuccessful in making it not stretched.

K thanks.

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