Widescreen Gaming Forum

Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)
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Author:  uriel242 [ 10 Sep 2009, 00:00 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

Hey everyone, :D long time lurker and appreciator of this site, first time poster.

So I picked up Section 8 for PC. It's gorgeous, fun, addicting - all the good stuff if you like Battlefield, Planetside, Tribes style play. Very polished too IMO.

In a very cool manner it loads RIGHT IN to 5040x1050 if that is what you are running Windows in. Preset and everything.

However the FOV is completely off and stretch and your view looks like garbage.
-Tried to figure out the FOV console commands for the game, saw them, couldnt figure out values or how to even make it take values.
-I looked through the .ini files, couldn't find anything.
-Looked on this site, the Section 8 community forums, google, etc - nothing.

Seems like I'm the only one in the world right now trying to play this game in TH2G haha.

Anyhow, help or solutions would be appreciated, sick of loading my single screen into yucky old 1920x1200.


Win XP 32-bit SP3
Intel Core 2 Duo
GTX 260 Core 216 SLI
4gb RAM

Author:  whismerhill [ 10 Sep 2009, 01:01 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

you know default fov ?
if so you could try fov calc http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/fovcalc.php
(also in the Tools in the forum menu on the left)

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 10 Sep 2009, 02:56 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

Don't underestimate a developer email... many times when they realize there is a need for it, it can make a patch... being a multiplayer only game, basically, I assume Section 8 will get a lot of patches.

Second to that, it sounds like you covered the basics. I hope someone here with more technical knowledge can help you out.

Author:  uriel242 [ 10 Sep 2009, 05:37 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Thats a good idea to just contact the devs. I tried to find an email address for Timegate but their contact page isnt working right now for some reason: http://www.timegate.com/contact.php

Tried the tool, but couldnt really figure it out. It kinda seems like thats for 4:3 games to go to 16:9? Dunno.
Cause the game will go into 16:10 already, thats not the problem. Its the 3x16:10 FOV issue.

Also there is a console command called "FOV #" # being 1-180 or something. It *kinda* made it better but the HUD was still all stretched and ugly and it just seemed off still.

Hmmm.... I'll keep trying to email the devs, but another quicker solution would be great. The game would look sick in TH2G.


Author:  StingingVelvet [ 10 Sep 2009, 08:49 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

If there is a console command, try doing a launch command... after the shortcut put a space, then a "-", then the command. See if the game loads with it already applied.

If that works, this site's FOV calculator should be able to tell you the proper FOV for your resolution.

Author:  uriel242 [ 11 Sep 2009, 04:10 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

Hmm I've done startup commands like that before, thanks. But what would I even put there though?

"section8.exe -fov 3x16:10" ?

Cause the FOV commands work in the console menu, but the HUD is still all stretch and the gun out in front of the view is all fat and to the far right spread across the bottom of the screen...

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 11 Sep 2009, 07:56 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

An FOV value would be a number, like say 95 for 16:10. As I said, there is an FOV calculator on this site, so put your info in there and see what it says.

Then, if the game has an FOV command, simply input it after the shortcut, like -FOV 95.

This will only work if the console can be used in this way, you gave me the impression you heard it could. Maybe I read you wrong and this has not been tested or anything... if that is the case, someone with more knowledge will need to tinker with the game.

I don't play multi, so I'm not buying a multi-only shooter and can't really help you further.

Author:  uriel242 [ 14 Sep 2009, 07:27 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

Thanks for the exact number, and yeah I figured out as mentioned that it was a number range so I COULD get the FOV looking better. However the HUD is still all stretched and the guns and such look all fat and stretched out. It still needs some kind of UI tweaking.

Anyone else looking or found a solution to that?

Author:  OzHuski [ 12 Oct 2009, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

Happen to have any screenshots of it in action in?? Looking to get this game myself.. interested to see how it looks/plays with the TH2go.

Author:  uriel242 [ 20 Oct 2009, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  Section 8 - TH2G (5040x1050)

I dont actually... it looks terrible though. I mean having it stretched across 3 screens is beautiful but the FOV is completely off. Wish someone knew how to fix it... cause it's a rad game and would look so damn good in TH2G

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