Widescreen Gaming Forum

5760x1200 + Dragon Age?
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Author:  redpriest [ 03 Nov 2009, 23:23 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

Anyone else having issues with Dragon Age at 5760x1200? The game runs beautifully, however, in-game cutscenes and movies just don't seem to show up. This is a problem :(

Mod edit:
Issue with Dragon age is confirmed fixed with patch 1.01b or later.

Author:  Xenos555 [ 04 Nov 2009, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

Looks like Dragon Age doesn't like 3600x1920 either. Most of the game seems to display fine but I can only see the top one or two dialogue options. I found it kind of strange that I sometimes got only 1 dialogue option until I started pressing other numbers. Needless to say, it's hard to play an RPG when you're missing out on all the dialogue choices.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 04 Nov 2009, 00:20 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

Bugger the same as the Witcher, works fine in game at TH but fails in cutscenes etc. Skipping through them lost a lot of the story!

I am going to cancel my pre0order until this gets sorted, so thanks for the heads up :)

Author:  alexand3r1 [ 04 Nov 2009, 06:05 ]
Post subject:  Same here

Same thing.

In portrait mode (3150x1680 for me) the cutscenes show, but the dialog selection cannot be seen - which makes the game unplayable unless you always agree with selection 1 (you won't, trust me if you haven't played).

In landscape mode (5040x1050 for me) the cutscenes don't show at all, however I occasionally would get some purple, green and blue artifacts.

I've tried playing around with the "Disable Aspect-Ratio Correction" button on both with no effect; however this must be checked though when I'm playing at 1680x1050 ( :( single tear :( ) or else everything is squished up terribly.

It's sad too, because in-game it all works beautifully. They should fix it rather quickly with the popularity of this game though, I would hope. But I still want it now...

Author:  MustangSVT [ 04 Nov 2009, 07:07 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

I'm going to try and post on their official forum to see if I can get a BioWare dev to notice this because the game looks and runs beatifully on my PC at 5040x1050 (TH2Go, not EyeFinity), but the cutscenes are missing.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 04 Nov 2009, 08:08 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

I'm going to try and post on their official forum to see if I can get a BioWare dev to notice this because the game looks and runs beatifully on my PC at 5040x1050 (TH2Go, not EyeFinity), but the cutscenes are missing.
Well it has been posted so I missed my cancel opportunity LOL, so I best help. Post a link to your thread and we can all join in.

Author:  Downtown1 [ 04 Nov 2009, 19:12 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

It's not just the cutscenes. Anytime you talk to an NPC or have a conversation it also goes all black, so it's far worse than just missing a bit of story.

I'm going to try and post on their official forum to see if I can get a BioWare dev to notice this because the game looks and runs beatifully on my PC at 5040x1050 (TH2Go, not EyeFinity), but the cutscenes are missing.

If you do this post a link.. I've searched for eyefinity and triplehead on there and couldn't find any recent posts.


Can't believe there was a thread here.. I made one in http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/1071 Maybe they can be merged?

Why are there game threads in here anyway? I thought they should all be in "Multi-monitor" gaming and this is a discussion of the EyeFinity hardware/drivers only.

Author:  redpriest [ 04 Nov 2009, 19:23 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

I submitted a help request and talked to a live support rep on their support website, but I'm not expecting too much LOL.

Author:  Dave Baumann [ 04 Nov 2009, 19:35 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

FYI - We are expecting a patch for improved Eyefinity support soon. I'll keep you posted when I know more! :)

Author:  Downtown1 [ 04 Nov 2009, 19:46 ]
Post subject:  5760x1200 + Dragon Age?

FYI - We are expecting a patch for improved Eyefinity support soon. I'll keep you posted when I know more! :)

Cool, but by then we'll probably all have beaten the game at least once :(. And everyone knows MW2 is coming out next week :P

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