Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battlefield Bad Company 2 "V-FOV" can be set in ini
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Author:  CY:G [ 21 Jan 2010, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield Bad Company 2 "V-FOV" can be set in ini

Seems like DICE will be getting another "Narrow minded" award for Battlefield Bad Company 2.

According to DICE's Senior Designer:


Having a different FOV for different players is a balance issue. I've played lots of pc and I don't feel the fov is restricted.

According to this slide: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=18046&start=0 the game was supposed to work with 3 screens, i guess they are backing down...

Author:  shockabuku [ 21 Jan 2010, 22:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

Oh that sucks a lot :cry:

Author:  fatlazyhomer [ 21 Jan 2010, 23:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

Common dopefish...

Author:  Truckchase! [ 22 Jan 2010, 02:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

If that is true they won't be getting my money. :-/

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 22 Jan 2010, 02:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

Man I hope that isn't true, will find out on or about the 28th though!

This is after 'someone-DICE' said it wasn't a problem, just like better mice etc.... if someone could find that quote I would be much appreciative. I will throw it back at Demize! :evil:

Author:  dopefish [ 22 Jan 2010, 07:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

I'm not sure. If they do lock the PC version to 60, I may not make a fix as long as it still supports surround. It will be just like CoD4/5/6, where I simply correct the aspect-ratio (if BC2 needs it), but not the FOV. I'll respect their design choices.

When they open beta for everyone, voice your opinions loudly. :)

Author:  fatlazyhomer [ 22 Jan 2010, 07:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

Wait, all you did was correct the aspect ratio in MW2? It looks like I can see more with eyefinity than without... :?:

Author:  shockabuku [ 22 Jan 2010, 08:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

Wait, all you did was correct the aspect ratio in MW2? It looks like I can see more with eyefinity than without... :?:

Thats what I thought too. If a BC2 fix turned out like MW2 then I for one could live with that :-)

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 22 Jan 2010, 08:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

FFS! 60 is just to narrow.

So I guess that means it will be VERT-? Or have I confused something?

60 FOV is too small regarless of what Aspect it is.

Author:  dopefish [ 22 Jan 2010, 09:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Battlefield Bad Company 2 locked to FOV 60 :(

They're likely referring to a vertical FOV of 60, so the game will still be hor-/+. CoD4/5/6 use a vertical FOV of 65 by default. I found CoD acceptable. 60 is definitely more narrow, but it might be fine. When you get a chance to play the beta, see for yourselves.

However, BC1 was definitely very narrow on the 360 (and that was from sitting farther away). I hope it's wider than BC1's default FOV.

Here's some shots of BC1. It might be a little difficult to see the narrow vision in these shots.

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