Widescreen Gaming Forum

(2) 2209wa and (1) P2210 or (3) P2210's or (3) 2209 PLZ HELP
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Author:  patrick21x [ 16 Mar 2010, 20:09 ]
Post subject:  (2) 2209wa and (1) P2210 or (3) P2210's or (3) 2209 PLZ HELP

Hey guys, I am about to place an order for 3 new dells.

I have my mind set on the Dell 22" but cant decide which ones.

I do not want to get an active addapter so one monitor must have DP (Dell P2210 TN panel), and i was thinking for (3) P2210's . I am concerned though with the side viewing of the TN panels. So I was thinking I could get (2) 2209wa for the sides (IPS Panels) and the 2210 for the center screen (straight viewing so no problems for TN) My concern was that the IPS panels may be much more vivid in color and contrast and that it would cause the middle screen to look off a bit.

What do you guys think about that set up. Would it be better than 3 2210's or what should I do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Patrick

Author:  Hydralisk_X [ 16 Mar 2010, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: (2) 2209wa and (1) P2210 or (3) P2210's or (3) 2209 PLZ HELP

I have 3 TN panels and the side viewing is fine in landscape.

The viewing angle becomes noticeable in portrait mode - which I never use.

Author:  Truckchase! [ 16 Mar 2010, 23:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: (2) 2209wa and (1) P2210 or (3) P2210's or (3) 2209 PLZ HELP

My 2 outside monitors are TN panels (one of which is the P2210) and I have no issues with viewing angles even in landscape mode.... I do angle my outside monitors in a bit, so perhaps that's the difference.

Author:  Unknownsock [ 18 Mar 2010, 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: (2) 2209wa and (1) P2210 or (3) P2210's or (3) 2209 PLZ HELP

Well i use 3xp2210's and i have no noticeable colour difference until im actually standing from the side or above.
People exaggerate too much with TN panels ><

Although if i had a chance i'd go with 2x2209wa with a p2210.
Last time i checked the p2310 is the same price as the p2210's?
16:9 this time around though.

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