Widescreen Gaming Forum

has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?
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Author:  roxiedog13 [ 17 Mar 2010, 17:55 ]
Post subject:  has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?

check out this link.

I didn't know this option was available.


Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 17 Mar 2010, 23:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?

If it does work, it's gonna lag terribly on the outside monitors. And you'll probably need to run it in windowed mode.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 17 Mar 2010, 23:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?

I've not seen that, looks awesome. 5MB, too? Sweet, small as well!

It's LAN based, so I guess it depends on whether it can utilise those gigabit LAN ports on mobos now...

If it can improve to use available bandwidth, what about getting some dual-gigabit teaming going? 8)

Author:  HowlingBlue [ 18 Mar 2010, 00:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?

I have Maxivista, but I don't use it for the screens in my triple wide. Instead, I use it as a fourth panel for other stuff while gaming. I haven't tried it in game, but the problem is that it uses the CPU to render, so it would push the processor hard if you used it for gaming... Then again, it might give some of the 12 cores on the 980x something to do...

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 18 Mar 2010, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?

A reason for that dual-socket eVGA SR2, then. :mrgreen:

Author:  g00seberry [ 18 Mar 2010, 00:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: has anyone heard of maxivista for multi monitor ?

I've just tried it now and it works pretty well for 'normal' usage - this is over wireless even. However there is a bit of laggyness when moving windows around etc. It would be no good for gaming.

You can't use it for EyeFinity either, as CCC doesn't see the monitor. The Maxivista drivers seem to basically virtualise a new gfx card which this fake monitor is plugged into.

Still, I can see some uses for it :) Nice way to share things with others on your network in real time.

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