Widescreen Gaming Forum

Tiger Woods 08 - Any 3 way lovin' going on?
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Author:  BubTheZombie [ 04 May 2010, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  Tiger Woods 08 - Any 3 way lovin' going on?

Hey Guys,
I've just bought Tiger Woods 08 Novint Falcon Edition (stunning game by the way. Playing golf with the Falcon walks all over even the Wii motion plus versions). It's one of the few games that I play that is not eyefinity compatible these days.

Great as it is, who wouldn't want to see 3 times as much golf course wizzing by as we swing our clubs? I see that there are wide screen solutions for some of the older Tiger games but did any of the clever bods on the forums have any hacks to get this Tiger 08 working on 3 screens? If so can someone spill the beans?


Author:  scooby [ 20 May 2010, 02:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiger Woods 08 - Any 3 way lovin' going on?

Love the game too.

Question was posted a while back check the link below. :wink:


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