Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 02 Dec 2010, 23:25 

Joined: 13 Jun 2008, 08:36
Posts: 46
one more time find a way....not optimized but work........for scavvenjahh..... :wink: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................


PostPosted: 03 Dec 2010, 20:26 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
Care to elaborate ? ;) Is it windowed mode again ?

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2010, 00:41 

Joined: 13 Jun 2008, 08:36
Posts: 46
Care to elaborate ? ;) Is it windowed mode again ?

yes is it windowed forced by DXWIND and resize format to 4.8 whith Memory hacking software

textures bad in this mode but working not anamorphic! search a way to find adress letterbox..........for playing fullscreen
the format 16:10 is not a problem, the values changes any time you play but this is easy to find .y am working on this for trainer fov fix.

PostPosted: 04 Dec 2010, 00:51 

Joined: 13 Jun 2008, 08:36
Posts: 46
Care to elaborate ? ;) Is it windowed mode again ?

do you have seen my work for ShaunWhiteSnowboarding? work perfect for me. this game is anamorphic but
y play fullscreen 5040x1050 :cheers ...and correct aspect ratio.
work fine v1.00 con upgrade 1.01 the screen is anamorphic !!!!!! why? y dont no!

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2010, 04:33 

Joined: 07 Aug 2010, 11:29
Posts: 4
Hello All,
I am having issues getting this working on my 3DVS setup. Seems only one-screen resolutions are working in fullscreen and windowed modes. I would LOVE to play this game in 3DVS, so any information on a FOV fix would be greatly appreciated.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2010, 14:08 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
Posts: 3424
Well, if it works in one-screen resolutions only, a FOV fix wouldn't help, right ? ;)
Unfortunately, chichi007 has to use MHS to get this to work, which is not for the faint at heart. Take a look at this tutorial for Dead Rising 2: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=19608&start=62

Non-savvy people like you and me had better wait for chichi to come up with a proper hack... And apparently he's working on it :)

PostPosted: 02 Jan 2011, 01:50 

Joined: 07 Aug 2010, 11:29
Posts: 4
actually, my two side monitors power up in-game and there is a resolution setting for 6010x1080, but the view only stretches the width of the first monitor. The fact the monitors are on makes me think the game could use the resolution, but the FOV doesn't allow the screen to stretch that far. I have seen similar situations with other games such as Halo, where racer's hack allows for the fov to be modified. I am thinking if we could change the fov value in the config, the problem would be fixed. Unfortunately the config file is some wierd encrypted xml file that can't be edited.

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