Widescreen Gaming Forum

Crysis Eyefinity Performance
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Author:  Flyingpenguin [ 03 Jul 2011, 21:20 ]
Post subject:  Crysis Eyefinity Performance

Hey folks :)

I'm having peformance issues with Crysis on a three monitor setup (5932x1080) and i'm hoping someone here can help, i'll get the system specs out of the way first:

Asus P8P67 Pro
Intel i5 (oc'd to 4ghz at the moment)
2xSapphire 6970's
8GB Ram

Now here's what my problem is...on a single screen (1920x1080) i'll get 35-50 fps with the game using only one 6970, the others idling (not the main issue here).

The main issue is that when i switch to eyefinity the second card will start being used, infact both cards will be at 100% for the most part, but the fps will drop down to below 20 on the exact same settings and level (and place).

Surely there's something going on here? Crysis is a demanding game especially at max settings but if one card can give me 35+ fps on a single screen the game should atleast maintain an fps near that level on eyefinity with the second card being utilized no? Am i doing something wrong here? I'm using the 11.6 driver at the moment, i have tried some previous drivers (after uninstalling fully with driver sweeper) but havn't had any luck so far, any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Author:  Davros [ 04 Jul 2011, 05:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Crysis Eyefinity Performance

your using 3 times the resolution with only twice the horsepower, of course you wont get equal fps

have you downloaded the latest profiles
also you could try renaming the exe to something that does run well on crossfire

ps: type the following into the console
g_multigpu = 1

edit: better way:

Open up Notepad. Enter these two lines:

r_multigpu =1

Save the file as autoexec. Right click on the file and rename it autoexec.cfg. (make sure its not autoexec.cfg.txt) It will ask you to confirm, say yes.

Put this file in the root of your Crysis installation (usually C:Program FilesEACrytekCrysis.)

pps: looks like crossfire sucks with crysis (article is old so hope its been fixed since then)

Author:  Flyingpenguin [ 10 Jul 2011, 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Thanks, i managed to tweak a

Thanks, i managed to tweak a couple of settings with everything else on very high to get around 30fps on eyefinity in the end, and then locked it to 35fps through the fixed_time_step= command, all good:)

Author:  skipclarke [ 11 Jul 2011, 04:51 ]
Post subject:  I was getting 60 - ish after

I was getting 60 - ish after setting physX to low, while keeping textures and everything else high.

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