Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is Eyefinity Cheating?
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Author:  skipclarke [ 06 Aug 2011, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Is Eyefinity Cheating?

I am so sick of developers equating Eyefinity with cheating ...
So purchasing your epics with real money is NOT cheating ............................

Hmmmm let's compare the impact of allowing 100 to play in eyefinity, or allow millions of people to use real money to buy items that increase their hp and dps .....

Also let's ban all those Starcraft razer mice, because multiple buttons give the player unfair advantage.

Let's ban all the nVidia GPU's as well , cos it's not fair to some guy on a PoS Pentium 3 and 3dfx Voodoo 3 (tm)

Author:  Skripka [ 06 Aug 2011, 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Depends on the game and

Depends on the game and format. If you're talking an RTS and how much battlefield can be viewed at once...in a multiplayer game I could see a great, not necessarily "fair" advantage.

OTOH, considering how many big name *single-player* titles are openly shipping with intentionally broken multi-monitor support-I'm wondering if and or when Nvidia and or ATI will start subsidizing publishers to support the tech. Nv and ATI could make a great deal of money simply by people upgrading their old GPUs and they see no reason currently to do so. After all according to Steam's hardware survey DX11 GPU players are a tiny insignificant minority.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 06 Aug 2011, 21:26 ]
Post subject:  In all honesty, not really.

In all honesty, not really. People said the same thing when widescreen monitors came about and now what, it's the standard aspect ratio for many games. Saying eyefinity is cheating is like saying surround sound is cheating, or using a keyboard with hotkeys, or playing about 640x480. Hell even that is pushing it. Video Game Developers should cater to every crowd, it's not like most of these things aren't built into the engines they borrow anyways.

Author:  fatlazyhomer [ 08 Aug 2011, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  It's no more cheating than

It's no more cheating than any technological advantage a better set-up affords you, and whether that is a bigger TV, a better KB/M, a faster rig, or a better connection, its all the same. The problem is that its a minority demographic, and developers are afraid of angering the majority who QQ. It is highly doubtful that a developer would actively block multi monitor, with the exception of blizzard. Most will just not invest the development time to optimize it.

Author:  Abram [ 08 Aug 2011, 08:40 ]
Post subject:  I play few RTS games, but

I play few RTS games, but I've never seen one that removes the Fog of War (also a great documentary, by the way) on teh side displays.

For FPS, i DO sometimes see a foe creep up on me thanks to the side displays. But the, the same would occur with 16:9 players against 4:3 players...

To me, calling it "cheating" is just a lame excuse for poor support. "No, we're not inept; it's cheating!"

Author:  hajalie24 [ 08 Aug 2011, 20:44 ]
Post subject:  I'd hardly call it cheating,

I'd hardly call it cheating, especially when everything is stretched to oblivion on the side monitors. You barely see anything extra, and honestly some good headphones or surround system would be a 1000x more useful than 3 monitors.

Author:  fatlazyhomer [ 08 Aug 2011, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  The two games that definitely

The two games that definitely gave me a big advantage was Alien Swarm and World of Tanks. And really, who gives a shit if someone in those games had an advantage?

Author:  BHawthorne [ 09 Aug 2011, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  It'll always be sore loser

It'll always be sore loser syndrome between the haves and the have-nots. The only people that perpetuate this issue are people who can't justify the purchase of multi-display. What makes PC gaming great is the ability to design the gaming system that is right for you without concern of others being whining babies about it. Those that want a homogeneous playing field should stick to their SDTV and XBox 360.

Author:  BIGGRIMTIM [ 18 Aug 2011, 15:56 ]
Post subject:  I say no I have a triple wide

I say no I have a triple wide setup and I still suck. I think it just makes things more immersive.

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