Hey valcan_s, thanks a lot for posting this. Screenshots and reports are more than welcome here at WSGF :twothumb .
You can create yourself a Detailed Report if you want (click on
Games >>>
Add a Game , or directly here - http://widescreengamingforum.com/node/add/dr ).
Basically you'll need some screenshots for comparison (4:3, 16:10, 16:9 and multi-monitor), plus some additional information you can check in the DR.
Please feel free to create as many DRs as you want, including games we dont have in the master game list, or add extra content to the existing DRs.
You can also
create a gallery and include the screenshots you've taken, check this article if necessary - http://widescreengamingforum.com/article/how-create-gallery .
here for an overview on roles & responsabilities at WSGF.
Thanks again.