Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  kiax0001 [ 03 Oct 2011, 04:14 ]
Post subject:  Rage

Hey Guys,

Thought I should start a new thread for Rage seeing as it comes out soon.

Hopefully we can use this thread to discuss our results.

I have preordered the game so I'll keep everyone updated once it's been released.

I actually have some good news!

This game has been eyefinity validated (Silver). You can check out some of the links that I found around the web that help point to a good initial supported release.

It looks like eyefinity may work out of the box but according to the development team (Carmack), they are going to be looking at updating the game with a patch for proper eyefinity support later.

Please use my last link to post a comment on the forums regarding eyefinity support to help get developer's attention. The stronger the thread, the more priority it may get.


Eyefinity Validated Link

Interview with Tim Willits

Rage Megathread

A Rage Thread with Quakecon 2011 Keynote and details

Rage Forum Eyefinity Thread (Help bump this thread once its been released)

Author:  thales100 [ 03 Oct 2011, 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Hey kiax0001, thanks, as you

Hey kiax0001, thanks, as you can check in the game's Detailed Report we have been lobbying at Bethesda forums exactly in the thread you've posted - http://widescreengamingforum.com/lobby/lobbying-rage , http://widescreengamingforum.com/node?page=4 .
Ive added the eyefinity validated link you posted to the DR.
Cheers m8. :onethumb

Author:  evilmatt [ 03 Oct 2011, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  I'd be wary of relying on

I'd be wary of relying on that Eyefinity validated list - for example, Dragon Age 2 has Gold status and yet if you click the "Learn more" link at the top, under "multi-display validated", there's the requirement "No individual HUD element may straddle a bezel boundary" which DA2 most assuredly fails (the action bar at the bottom straddles two bezels in 3x1 landscape mode and if using bezel-correction you lose slots behind the bezels).

Hopefully this means Rage renders the world correctly in Eyefinity mode at least though, and if they can patch in a centred HUD etc post-release that'll be nice :onethumb

Author:  thales100 [ 03 Oct 2011, 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Yes, i hope so evilmatt. HUD

Yes, i hope so evilmatt. A centered HUD can be added later, a Hor+ screen change behavior at multi-monitor resolutions is the most important of course.

Author:  -Sn1PeR- [ 04 Oct 2011, 05:38 ]
Post subject:  I was pleasantly surprised to

I was pleasantly surprised to find that it is working in eyefinity! The game booted out of the box (steam) at 6048x1080.

Crossfire isn't working yet (11.9), but I've seen reports that AMD is releasing an update tomorrow. I am also seeing some occasional artifacting, but I'm assuming that will also be fixed with a driver update.

Screenshot showing video option for resolution settings:

In game screenshot:

Author:  HaYDeN [ 04 Oct 2011, 06:05 ]
Post subject:  is the FOV a bit tighter than

is the FOV a bit tighter than it should be? - it's clearly expanding HOR+ properly.

but I have a suspician the default is around 65-70

Author:  cerealkeller [ 04 Oct 2011, 06:21 ]
Post subject:  Can't find a config file for

Can't find a config file for this game. Looked in all the usual spots. I would also like to adjust the FOV. Looks stretched to me. The weapons tend to move beyond the bevel boarder. In terms of graqhics, I thought this game was gonna look amazing. I'm not impressed so far. At this point, I'm running SLI 580s, some of the textures aren't filling properly. And in surround, when I move my head around, in game, textures randomly crop in and out. Where's the graphics settings? There's only 4 options to choose from. And antistropic filtering doesn't even seem to be working properly either. I'm forcing all the options I can from the Nvidia CP. As is, with my system, I'm running easily 60 frames average at 5760x1080. But this game needs work. It's been in development for 5 or 6 years and it's still not done properly. Of course, I'm sure the first patch will fix all the issues I'm having. Should run perfect. They've had long enough to figure things out.

Author:  Monster [ 04 Oct 2011, 06:22 ]
Post subject:  Glad to see Eyefinity works,

Glad to see Eyefinity works, but why do developers never bother to center the HUD? I can't imagine it takes very long to implement. I really, really, really, hate playing a game and having to turn my head to see ammo levels.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 04 Oct 2011, 06:44 ]
Post subject:  I'll try fix it when I get

I'll try fix the HUD when I get home in a few hours - unlocked but I can't play it!

I assume it'd bechangable [FOV] via the console however. [assuming one exist]

Not good reading about "off screen" textures popping in and out tho.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 04 Oct 2011, 07:18 ]
Post subject:  This game has the worst FOV I

This game has the worst FOV I have seen in a long time, or at least it feels like it does. I am not someone who usually complains about FOV but I can barely play this game it's so bad.

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