Widescreen Gaming Forum

Another BF3 multi-monitor bug that could be ruining your game! Have you noticed?
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Author:  ajmilner85 [ 27 Oct 2011, 02:59 ]
Post subject:  Another BF3 multi-monitor bug that could be ruining your game! Have you noticed?

Is anyone else seeing massively distorted lighting effects running a triplehead set up?

My reaction when I began playing the game was that the art director had gone overboard with the lighting effects, but clearly it's a bug since the effects are properly proportioned at single monitor resolutions. Unfortunately it gives the triplehead user a massive disadvantage considering just home much screen real estate is obscured by the inflated effects.

Anyway, please see the post below for a description:


Author:  Bifurk8 [ 27 Oct 2011, 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Yeah, I've got the same

Yeah, I've got the same issue. Likewise, I thought it was by design. I'm glad to hear it's a known issue, because it's a little overwhelming to be completely blinded by some light sources.

Author:  CV-SiN [ 27 Oct 2011, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  havent noticed the lighting

havent noticed the lighting issues on my 2x 6950 3x 22 setup..
however I have the other issue with the friend/foe icons being on the left monitor..

massively sucks.. as I need those..

Author:  Hydralisk_X [ 27 Oct 2011, 17:41 ]
Post subject:  Yup. If you look at the

Yup. If you look at the detailed report thread, a couple of us have provided screenshots demonstrating that effect. It REALLY bugs me... a lot. Kills immersion and puts me at a disadvantage.

Author:  tepescovir [ 28 Oct 2011, 02:28 ]
Post subject:  yep, the glare from light and

yep, the glare from light and the sun are way over the top compared to a single screen

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