Widescreen Gaming Forum

2 year old playing Far Cry 2 in multi-monitor setup lol
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Author:  thenjwaslike [ 23 Nov 2011, 06:08 ]
Post subject:  2 year old playing Far Cry 2 in multi-monitor setup lol


this is funny, hes actually really good and can play other games like mw3, bf3, l4d2 but favors far cry 2 the most lol enjoy folks!!

Author:  Abram [ 23 Nov 2011, 06:25 ]
Post subject:  He makes those monitors look

He makes those monitors look HUGE! Nice taste in keyboards, btw. I have the same one. The only Apple product I've ever liked and didn't; piss me off on a regular basis. It's taken much abuse and spilt liquids.

PS - if you require, I use 'Sharpkeys' to re-arrange the ALT and Win keys, along with a couple others. It's free, tiny, passive, adn works great..

Author:  thenjwaslike [ 23 Nov 2011, 06:59 ]
Post subject:  haha yeah those are dell 20"

haha yeah those are dell 20" but look alot bigger, about the keyboard mod though thats a pretty good idea lol

Author:  ugzz [ 25 Nov 2011, 23:16 ]
Post subject:  that is awesome!hes really

that is awesome!
hes really good at keeping his head high and moving around.

i cant imagine a kid like that been a teen, he is gonna eat n00bs for breakfast

Author:  TJdehya [ 27 Nov 2011, 19:55 ]
Post subject:  OMG, he actually knows what

OMG, he actually knows what he is doing.
I bet he will be owning old guys like me in a couple years.

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