Widescreen Gaming Forum

Can I use 2 different cards (6970 + 580) simultaneously for 3 monitors?
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Author:  rebelstar [ 25 Nov 2011, 02:41 ]
Post subject:  Can I use 2 different cards (6970 + 580) simultaneously for 3 monitors?

Like 580 for the main and 6970 for the second and third monitors.

Author:  stangflyer [ 25 Nov 2011, 05:58 ]
Post subject:  Your not trying to do multi

Your not trying to do multi screen gaming are you? IF SO NO! If you want to just play on the 580 and use the 6970 for extended desktops then yes. But why would you use that kind of card for extended monitors? To expensive, to hot and to much power. Just get a cheap card. Better to match brand of card. If u get a 580 get a cheap nvidia card. IF you get a ati/amd get a cheap one of those.

To go triple screen gaming with nvidia you need to sli the same card. Two 580, two 570,two 560 etc. They can be different manufacturers though.

To go triple screen gaming with amd/ati One card will do as you plug all the monitors into one card anyway. But one card has trouble providing the power to multiscreen game.

If going 2 card get a 6 series card. 6950 etc.
You can get the 6990 also which is two gpu on one card.

If multiscreen gaming try to get cards that have more than 1 gig per core memory also.
Good luck! Plenty of places on this website for info! Just look around a little!
P.S. Make sure your power supply can handle it.

Author:  rebelstar [ 25 Nov 2011, 07:56 ]
Post subject:  Thanks. I'm already have 6970

Thanks and sorry, I had to post my PC specs with the question. I have already 6970 CF and 3 monitors, recently I won a 580GTX, plan to order 4rd 120Hz screen to taste nvidia 3d stereo on a single screen, so I want to have on a single PC 6970 for 3 screens and 580 for the 4rd 120hz monitor. Is it possible to have 3+1 desktop in this case and run specific games with eyefinity on 6970 and If I need to run game with the 580GTX on a single 4rd screen

Author:  Davros [ 26 Nov 2011, 15:00 ]
Post subject:  under win7 you cant have gfx

under win7 you cant have gfx cards from different vendors
you can however use the 580 for physx

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 02 Dec 2011, 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Davros wrote:under win7 you

under win7 you cant have gfx cards from different vendors
you can however use the 580 for physx

Incorrect, you can have different card from different vendors. That is a limitation of Vista.

Author:  Davros [ 03 Dec 2011, 06:12 ]
Post subject:  I stands corrected

I stands corrected :D

Author:  -Sn1PeR- [ 05 Dec 2011, 03:13 ]
Post subject:  You also can't use the 580

You also can't use the 580 for gpu physx while gaming on the 6970 w/o using the hacked GenL drivers. You may have to disable the 6970 in order to get gpu physx working correctly if you want to use the latest beta NV drivers, but the only game that's really using that now is Batman so it's probably not that big of a deal. Windows 7 itself has no issues driving monitors off of different vendors cards in 2d mode.

Author:  ugzz [ 06 Dec 2011, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  softth might do the trick if

softth might do the trick if you havnt already looked into it.

some people seem to have pretty ok luck with it, others not so much. from what i see here is alot of hit and miss.
might be worth a shot though, id check out the forums there too, there are a few threads with fair activity

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