Widescreen Gaming Forum

Triple Cinema Aspect (3 x 21:9) Gaming
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Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 12 Feb 2012, 10:33 ]
Post subject:  Triple Cinema Aspect (3 x 21:9) Gaming

So I've been messing around with SoftTH for a separate problem I've been having and decided to try out what 3 Cinema Aspect HDTV's would be like for gaming.
Here's some full res screen shots. Unfortunately SoftTH is stuck at DX9 so UT3 kinda looks like crap. I'll be adding more as I make them. Enjoy.

EDIT: Having a hard time uploading anything, I'll use an alternative later.
EDIT2: Here we Go, first up. More later. Unfortunately, it's not in full res.

Attached files

Author:  dopefish [ 13 Feb 2012, 12:31 ]
Post subject:  Is triple-cinema an

Is triple-cinema an aspect-ratio you'd like to be added to Widescreen Fixer? I currently only have an option for one cinema display. You could always override it and put it in yourself for now, but it's definitely something I could add.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 13 Feb 2012, 17:46 ]
Post subject:  I don't see why not. Even

I don't see why not. Even getting 3 21:9 screens would be expensive, there are other ways to get it to work.
I assume eventually, all media oriented screens are going to be 21:9 actually. Depends on how well they catch on.

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