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[Battlefield 3] Need input from users with 3x1 setup in portrait mode
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Author:  sondrol77 [ 09 Mar 2012, 10:39 ]
Post subject:  [Battlefield 3] Need input from users with 3x1 setup in portrait mode

I am one click away from buying my 2nd HD 7990 and 3x new 27" monitors for gaming battlefield 3 in eyefinity.

However, i have looked at some vids on youtube, and it doesnt look like you actually get any increased FOV vertically by putting the monitors in portrait mode.

I was hoping somenoe who allready plays BF3 in eyefinity could clarify this for me.

3x1 setup in landscape would give you a total resolution of 5760x1080 (1080 in the vertical direction). By setting them in portait you would have a resolution of 3240x1920. I would assume the extra height would show you more of the battlefield, but accordign to vids on the net this doesnt seem to be the case. It looks like the game takes a fixed FOV and stretch it to cover the 1920 vertical pixels......

This is one example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E85XdZnxe64

I have the same vertical FoV on my single 1920x1200 monitor today.....

Author:  Skid [ 09 Mar 2012, 10:48 ]
Post subject:  If the screen change is

If the screen change is horizontal plus like in battlefield, then the FoV is bound to the top to bottom of the screen, so it doesn't matter how high your screen is you'll always see the same amount vertically, and then more horizontal as the aspect ratio gets wider.

Author:  sondrol77 [ 09 Mar 2012, 11:39 ]
Post subject:  There goes my reason for

There goes my reason for investing in a 3x1 setup. My main reason would be the increased FoV.

Dows this actually mean, that if you put a 3x1 setup configured as stacked landscape. That is , 3 monitors on top of each others...would that mean you still get the same vertical FoV?

This would imply that the image gets stretched so that the crosshair is in the middle of the middle monitor....?

Author:  Skid [ 09 Mar 2012, 12:39 ]
Post subject:  sondrol77 wrote:There goes my

Stretched isn't really the right word to use as it'll still render the image to the correct ratio, but yes, if you setup a 3x1 vertically stacked system then any game that is horizontal plus will render the same height vertically and chop off the sides. May I ask why you want a vertical stacked setup rather then a horizontal one? Because if anything is going to attack you it'll come from the sides not that far above you.


Author:  sondrol77 [ 09 Mar 2012, 14:13 ]
Post subject:  First of Skid, think you for

First of Skid, think you for the involvement and help in the thread :)

The reason i want a stacked system is purely do to the aspect of jet fighting in battlefield 3. When you fight in the jet the most important thing would be vertical FoV. When you are fighting another jet the hard part is to track it and stay on its tail. When you chase the enemy jet you are able to follow it aslong as you can see its movements. When the jet gets away from you so that it leaves your FoV (basically flying up and out of the top of your screen) you can no longer track it. I was hoping a stacked 3x1 would render the part above the cockpit which the enemy jet then would occupy.

Author:  Skid [ 09 Mar 2012, 14:24 ]
Post subject:  Well I believe Battlefield 3

Well I believe Battlefield 3 does have an option to set the FoV, so you might be able to correct for a 1x3 horizontal portrait setup but you'll have a hard time correcting for a 3x1 vertical setup I'm afraid.

Author:  sondrol77 [ 09 Mar 2012, 14:27 ]
Post subject:  Yeah, you can manually adjust

Yeah, you can manually adjust the FoV in battlefield 3, but it doest seem to apply to vehicles. I tried by setting the Fov to 120 (default is 70). As soon as you get into a vehicle the FOV would reset back to a default view....so seems like like BF3 has fixed FoV for vehicles. Last hope was that eyefinity would fix it :)

Author:  Skid [ 09 Mar 2012, 14:55 ]
Post subject:  Yer, unfortunately this kinda

Yer, unfortunately this kinda of thing is dependent on how the games engine handles FoV changes with relation to aspect ratio, in order to do what you would like the game would need to render vertical minus (read section on screen changes from here for some explanations: http://widescreengamingforum.com/article/widescreen-gaming-faq). Generally speaking the WSGF tries to push for horizontal plus rendering behaviour as most people have wider monitors or use multi-monitor systems in a horizontal configuration so horizontal plus is more suitable for most people.

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