Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need urgent help with DELL U2412M Debezel Mod
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Author:  armartins [ 29 Mar 2012, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Need urgent help with DELL U2412M Debezel Mod

YOUTUBE LINK: DELL U2412M monitor debezel mod

Hi guys. I need help, I was SO excited about finally going "extreme" in the quest for thinner bezels with a very low cost and effective solution. BUT, there's always a but, to my surprise the circuit board where the vesa mount is drilled isn't physically attached to the panel! Let me know if you have any solution, please watch the video. And for those of you that are asking yourself about how thin are the internal bezels of the monitor there's also a pic attached since I didn't manage to flip the monitor during the video, and yes I'm holding the loose part with my thumbs against the panel in this photo. I've based my initial idea on the U2410 debezel mod, and yes I had looked for info about the U2412M and found nothing about removing the bezels from it, probably because it's a fairly "new" model.

Attached files

Author:  Skid [ 29 Mar 2012, 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Moving this thread to the

Moving this thread to the hardware forum as its better suited there, also removing the video tag as it's misleading, the thread is about the fact you want help not that you have a video about it.

Author:  GrooveXT [ 30 Mar 2012, 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Hi,wrote you already on

wrote you already on youtube. But now I've registered here too. Someone in this forum had the same problem with U2312M an just fixed the circuit board with some tape to the display and then reused the back of the case for mounting it to the orignal stand. This should basically work with the U2412M and also for wall mounting. I've also 3 of this displays and planing to get another 2. But the bezel is to thick for portrait-mode, so a debezle mod would be very nice.

What is the thickness of the debezeled bezel? Still don't know if it is worth the work (and risk).

Author:  3lfk1ng [ 09 Aug 2012, 09:05 ]
Post subject:  ^That's me.Here is the

^That's me.

Here is the guide: http://www.wsgf.org/forum/forums/hardware-software-support/hardware-discussions/18530/bezel-less-diy-also-valuable-users

Please let me know if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to help where I can.

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