Widescreen Gaming Forum

screen is offset when in motion in games
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Author:  blackrockets [ 04 Apr 2012, 01:38 ]
Post subject:  screen is offset when in motion in games

So basically when ever i play games in eyefinity, 2/3 monitors have an offset somewhere in the picture but it only happens when i move the camera. also sometimes when a new level loads or i restart the game the offset moves. its very annoying because when i am running it looks like the is a distorted line going across the screen

can't take a screen shot of so i drew an example in paint

heres my system if it helps:
mobo: sabertooth p67 r3
cpu: i72600k
gpu: radeon 7970
ram: 8 gb vengence 1600

im using 3 dell u2412m 1 is connected with dvi and the other 2 are connected with displayport(no adaptors)

Attached files

Author:  tepescovir [ 04 Apr 2012, 04:08 ]
Post subject:  sounds like visual

sounds like visual tearing.
Try running with vsync enabled and see if you still get it

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