Widescreen Gaming Forum

Deus Ex Stretching
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Author:  taggart [ 07 Apr 2012, 01:49 ]
Post subject:  Deus Ex Stretching

So I'm pretty new to multi monitor setups and I got Deus Ex Human Revolution working with ease. However, there is A LOT of stretching. A small item in my main screen can take up the whole other monitors on the side. I found that this is due to the FOV. But the problem is that when I turn on 5760x1080(surround) it doesn't allow me to change the FOV. It just reds out the option for FOV. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

I'm running 2x EVGA 570's.

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 08 Apr 2012, 01:14 ]
Post subject:  When running in Surround,

When running in Surround, regardless of whether you are using Eyefinity or Nvidia Surround or a Triplehead2Go, you always get stretching on the outside monitors. It's a result of only having one camera eyepoint over a large FOV.

If you feel it's worse than what you expect, take a few screenshots and post them here so we can have a look. It's unfortunately very common and not often alot we can do about it.

Author:  jerrolds [ 08 Apr 2012, 23:48 ]
Post subject:  Yup - fisheye happens on

Yup - fisheye happens on almost every 1st/3rd person game for the reasons that Aussie descripted (one camera wide view port) - the effect is even more exagerrated if you pivot the side monitors towards you (since the game is rendered assumine a completely flat surface)

If you place all 3 monitors to a flat plane and you only focus on the centre monitor while the side monitors are viewed using your peripheral vision - the effect is lessened, and you dont really notice it.

Read more about it here: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1602599

Until they game uses multiple camera/render for curved displays fisheye is something you have to live with

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