Widescreen Gaming Forum

How do I find default FOV?
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Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 11 Aug 2012, 03:12 ]
Post subject:  How do I find default FOV?

In games in which don't have inis or consoles, how do I find / calculate the default FOV? I'm trying to using memory hacking to fix some ps2 games within an emulator.

Author:  dopefish [ 11 Aug 2012, 13:49 ]
Post subject:  There's no easy way. Every

There's no easy way. Every game is different.

The easiest way to figure out the field-of-view is to modify the field-of-view via in-game actions and check for changes.

Stand still, search in memory for an unknown value, zoom in, search in memory for a decreased value, zoom out, search in memory for an increased value, and then here I like to stand still and search for values that haven't changed. It will filter out a lot of items. I repeat this search until I feel like enough have been filtered out that I can continue with searching for increased or decreased values.

The field-of-view could be in degrees or radians. It could be a horizontal or vertical field-of-view. It could be a float or an integer (it's usually a float, but I've seen on occasion where it's an int).

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 11 Aug 2012, 19:01 ]
Post subject:  How would you go about

How would you go about finding it if there were no way to change the FOV normally? (Like a Zoom Function)

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