Widescreen Gaming Forum

Want to run BF3 on 3 screens
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Author:  Disarray [ 14 Sep 2012, 01:28 ]
Post subject:  Want to run BF3 on 3 screens

I want to return to gaming after a 3 year break. This is my current desk:

I would like to be able to play BF3 on the three lower monitors at 3840x1024 and use one of the two upper monitors to display things like system temps and team speak. Been doing a lot of reading here, but it is really overwhelming.

Since I have not kept up with hardware for 4 years, what route should I go? I will have to build an entire new machine. Which way should I go on video cards? Can the cards handle all 4 monitors like I want or will I have to go with a Matrox triple head adaptor?

TIA for the help.

Author:  Haldi [ 14 Sep 2012, 02:08 ]
Post subject:  IF you want to use 5 Monitors

IF you want to use 5 Monitors you'd have to buy an AMD Card, search the Forum for "Cards that can Output 5 or 6 monitors" Suiken_2mieu has made a good thread!

If you only want 4 Monitors running you can go with a Nvidia 600er Card (IIRC 660, 670 or 680/690) or any amd Card that has 4 Outputs (but you can only use 2DVI and no HDMI or 1x DVI +1xHDMI (Except you get an AMD FLEX edition)

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