Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help to build PLP config in Brasil
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Author:  Jagra67 [ 19 Sep 2012, 18:57 ]
Post subject:  Help to build PLP config in Brasil

Hi, folks. Cheers from Rio de janeiro.

Please advise.

I´m pretending to build a 3 monitor setup for my next computer, and after to much thinking and reading a lot of opinions,

I choose the hard path of a PLP (portairt-Landscape-portairt). My desk space is limited.

Since are several options in ratio and resolutions , but can´t figure it out. That´s why i´m here asking for advices.

Since I´m not made of money, can some of you guys help point some monitors and videocards, preferreble just one ATI GPU (no Crossfire)

AT last, I´m intend to get a 25 monitor to center, but it´s not settled yet. Could go to a 27, but thats my final option in size.

As I live in Brasil, I´m limited to few brands (samung, lg, phillips, aoc) and fewer models.

Just trying to make it simple...
Thanks in advance.

Author:  Haldi [ 20 Sep 2012, 01:04 ]
Post subject:  You can't run AMD Eyefinity

You can't run AMD Eyefinity nor Nvidia Surround in a P L P Setup! AMD supports LLL or PPP and Nvidia onyl LLL setups.

Author:  Delphium [ 20 Sep 2012, 14:11 ]
Post subject:  For PLP, the only method at

For PLP, the only method at present is to use a bit of software called SoftTH, this software is free, but does have limitations. currently limited to DX9 and does require a fair amount of configuration per game.

Author:  Jagra67 [ 21 Sep 2012, 04:40 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the anwsers


Thanks for the anwsers;

I already Know this PLP choice was difficult, but it´s fit my actual needs like a Glove (low money, few space)

And I beleive the AMD and Nvidia will eventually support PLP config; until then, I intend to use the Sopht (wherever name is);

My major concern is the monitors sizes - what fits to build.

Searching I found 3 Samsung (2x 15,6" + 27" ) but the resolution in the small ones are 1360x768 - and will be a small gap (about 11 mm taller the 27" at the specs) - haven´t see the real monitors yet, don´t judge the bezels.

I was wondering the all config will look kinda weird...

Please comments.

Thanks in advance

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