I think you are talking about PLP layouts (portrait, landscape, portrait). Here's a link to 23 screens whose perceived pixel size line up perfectly, once monitors are positioned. I.e. All 23 work well, & some excellent. Ratings given are bit subjective, but gamers likely have personal preferences/requirements, which will help you choose.
Many of these layouts have some side-hang, which is not a problem for PLP (& has functional benefits). A few do physically line up perfectly, for gamers interested in external aesthetics.
Link is to parent page of PLP monitor layouts. It also shows general recommendations & details on how layouts were rated.
http://plp-gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Good_P ... tor_SetupsBUT you will not find your 24" 1080p sides on this list. I will look it, for centers that match. But I doubt any good options exist. At best, likely you will have long side hang to contend with. UPDATE: I may be wrong. I have not properly check massive center screens. Doing now, some potential for beautiful setup.
Will update here with results, but maybe tomorrow. If nothing matches your sides, you should start over fresh. Buy your ideal setup. Recommend cheap used sides & spend your money on the center. Center matters far more than sides, which are primarily for peripheral vision.
(WildStar 2014, manual PLP)