Widescreen Gaming Forum

Just Cause 3 - Surround
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Author:  X1XNobleX1X [ 01 Dec 2015, 12:38 ]
Post subject:  Just Cause 3 - Surround

Hello WSGF forum members,
Just Cause 3 has released, although it, is kinda playable. It would be nice to have a fix for the HUD.
As you can see the HUD is shifted to the right side screen, while menus appear on the middle screen.


Author:  Abram [ 01 Dec 2015, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

A bit of a bummer, but It was the same for Just Cause 2. I don't believe any fix was ever released.At least the HUD isn't as crucial as with other games, and the map is okay.

So how is it? I pretty much expect the same as JC2, just 'more'.

Author:  anteronoid [ 01 Dec 2015, 18:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

Yeah, works fine for me too. HUD is pretty useless and I don't feel I really need it. Maybe just some in the beginning to read objective messages, but nah..

It's pretty much the same but better, more pretty and better vehicle driving and better weapon handling. Also the game feels much more alive with traffic and pedestrians. And the water Engine blows..its really pretty. Nvidia gameworks wawes works its magic and have the most advanced water/wave tech in the game industry.. well that's what nvidia says.
http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides ... ance-guide

Author:  Amon Amarth [ 02 Dec 2015, 04:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

I see, that's a shame considering how Just Cause 2 had really good NV Surround support. How is SLI for this game?

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 02 Dec 2015, 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

Report it to the devs, they fixed up Mad Max surround issues, so who knows.

Author:  anteronoid [ 02 Dec 2015, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

Amon Amarth wrote:
I see, that's a shame considering how Just Cause 2 had really good NV Surround support. How is SLI for this game?

Looks fine, using the new nvidia Game Ready driver released yesterday for JC3 . Don't know about scaling though. But both cards look utilized.
The AA settings though looks horrible what ever settings is used and i completely turned it off, looks much better and without it performance is better.
Its also pretty CPU intensive and uses about 5GB vram with all settings maxed except AA i get 45-60 FPS even under heavy action.
There's supposed to be a patch out soon from the devs that includes some optimizations.

Author:  yobayoba [ 03 Dec 2015, 02:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

The mouse cursor on the minimap seems to be off too.

Author:  Bifurk8 [ 11 Dec 2015, 14:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

It took a little fiddling for me to get it working well enough to play on AMD cards in Eyefinity. At first I was on the old pre-Crimson Radeon drivers but would regularly crash out with a dialogue box saying the driver had stopped responding. I updated to the latest non-beta Crimson drivers but had really bad graphical corruption with really poorly rendered polygons everywhere. Finally I moved to the latest beta Crimson drivers and those seem to work well enough and are stable.

I also found that 5760x1080 was selectable from the in-game graphics menu, but not 3840x720. If you need to run a lower resolution but maintain your aspect ratio, you can specify a custom resolution in \Users\UserName\Documents\Square Enix\Just Cause 3\Saves\0\settings.json.

Author:  Carr [ 17 Dec 2015, 12:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

I am having a problem with this game with the mouse not locking to the screen in fullscreen. I run 3 x 27's @ 5760x1080 and a 4th monitor above for stuff like Foxtel and Teamspeak, etc. The mouse often moves up and takes focus from the game when I click but doesn't minimise, almost like it isn't acually fullscreen just bordless windowed. Also, when I first set it up I had a lot of trouble getting it to go fullscreen, I had to mess with the options and restart the game about 4 times before it stuck.

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this it would be most appreciated, it is a pain when in a fire fight.

OS - Windows 7
CPU - Intel 4770K @ 3.9
Motherboard - Asus Sabertooth Mk2 Z97
Monitors - 3 x 27 + 1 x 24
Video Driver - 15.20 (Crimson caused a lot of my games to run crap or crash)

Author:  anteronoid [ 17 Dec 2015, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Just Cause 3 - Surround

Carr wrote:
I am having a problem with this game with the mouse not locking to the screen in fullscreen. I run 3 x 27's @ 5760x1080 and a 4th monitor above for stuff like Foxtel and Teamspeak, etc. The mouse often moves up and takes focus from the game when I click but doesn't minimise, almost like it isn't acually fullscreen just bordless windowed. Also, when I first set it up I had a lot of trouble getting it to go fullscreen, I had to mess with the options and restart the game about 4 times before it stuck.

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this it would be most appreciated, it is a pain when in a fire fight.

OS - Windows 7
CPU - Intel 4770K @ 3.9
Motherboard - Asus Sabertooth Mk2 Z97
Monitors - 3 x 27 + 1 x 24
Video Driver - 15.20 (Crimson caused a lot of my games to run crap or crash)

Try and see if it works to switch back and forth with ALT+ENTER. Usually that fixes this problem for me in most games to ensure it stays in Fullscreen mode so Sli kicks in.

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