Widescreen Gaming Forum

Question regarding Flawless Widescreen
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Author:  jatznic [ 20 Dec 2015, 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Question regarding Flawless Widescreen

I need to make sure I'm not going mad here. I've been using Flawless Widescreen for years but for some reason just noticed something today while looking at forum posts. I see a lot of people referring to v 1.X for the program however all I can seem to find is v 1.0.X. The version I'm using is 1.0.15. I first assumed that people were just leaving out the middle 0 but then I ran across a borderlands wiki page which outright showed a screenshot of v 1.5. What's bugging me is that this shows a plugin for Borderlands which for whatever reason I don't have and the website for flawless widescreen shows the last update was over 1.5 years ago.

So, do I have the correct version or am I missing something somewhere? Also, are there open source plugins available or is it just the ones Hayden releases?


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