Widescreen Gaming Forum

What causes side displays to flash & flicker in-game?
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Author:  Funkengreuven [ 30 Nov 2016, 07:06 ]
Post subject:  What causes side displays to flash & flicker in-game?

I've seen this before, but I don't know a good place to start troubleshooting this issue, or what the possible fixes could be. Playing the new Watchdogs 2 in Nvidia surround, both side displays flash black & white, textures flicker, and black textures appear on objects in-game. It only happens when you're outside in the game world and it only affects the two side displays which are also darker than the primary/center display. I've tried every possible setting in-game to no avail, so I was hoping someone on here might know a work-around or something they used in the past to help with this type of issue. I've tried vsync, limiting pre-rendered frames, changing CPU priority, and every other crazy idea I can think of, but nothing helps. Also, when you're in the game it will not let you choose the refresh rate in multi-monitor, so I could not try to change it from my default which is 120hz. Just wondering if anyone has any "tips" or insight into this type of issue.


Author:  scavvenjahh [ 02 Dec 2016, 12:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: What causes side displays to flash & flicker in-game?

Could be one GPU malfunctioning. How are your displays connected to the GPUs ? Did you try plugging all monitors to the topmost card ?
Funkengreuven wrote:
I've seen this before,
I can't say that I have. Any more examples ?

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