Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 07 Jan 2017, 22:08 

Joined: 07 Jan 2017, 21:51
Posts: 1
Hello and sorry for title-gore, it's a bit limiting. Anyway, here's my issue, I really hope you can help me here.

So I just dug up my old 1280x1024(5:4) monitor to pair up with the two 1920x1080 monitors I am currently using.

I wanted to try and get Nvidia Surround running on all three, since the actual screen height is the same, so I'd work pretty well. Keeping the native resolution of the two monitors and upscaling the older one. I basically imagined (and I am completely talking out of my ass here) that I could have 5760x1080 virtual projection, 2 screens running natively and the older one showing me only about 2/3 of the image. Or the best way, getting everything to run natively in 5120x1080.

This doesn't work, the only option I get is to run it on the lowest resolution that the old screen can use, so I'd get 3840x1024, the old screen displaying natively and the FullHD monitor image looking squished.

I've tried to change the resolution of the old monitor to 1350x1080 - fits the 5:4 aspect ratio perfectly - but the Nvidia control panel just ignores it and doesnt actually change the resolution.

So I guess what I am asking is is there any way to solve this, probably using some third party solution? You guys really seem like the pros at this, I am just completely confused. Sorry for my relative ignorance, any help will be appreciated.

EDIT: Forgot to add some specs, not sure if they're important though.

2x ASUS VE228H
1x Dell 1707FP

Running from a GTX1070.


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