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SCUM - multimonitor support http://www.wsgf.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=32789 |
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Author: | Cinnabuns [ 31 Aug 2018, 21:15 ] |
Post subject: | SCUM - multimonitor support |
This is UE4 I believe and doesn't currently work though it does support that res (5760x1200 or bezel corrected is selectable in the menu) and what you select is put in to the .ini in appdata however the game ignores it. From what I've read, 21:9 is vert- so that probably has worse implications for multi-monitor. Can anyone fix this or have any ideas since its a UE4 title? I'm sure it will be like this for a year or more which will be painful. Thanks! |
Author: | Amon Amarth [ 02 Sep 2018, 02:53 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
Have you tried the universal UE4 engine Surround fix? This might help: 1. Navigate to Engine.ini file. It's usually found in the "WindowsNoEditor" folder. You might have to look in Documents or AppData in your username folder. Look for the game name as the folder or the company who released the game as the name. 2. Open Engine.ini 3. Add this line to the file: [/Script/Engine.LocalPlayer] AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV 4. Save the file, close it and play. Make sure the .ini file isn't set to "Read Me Only" or something like that before you edit it. |
Author: | Cinnabuns [ 02 Sep 2018, 20:30 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
ah, ok. I'll give that a shot! Much appreciated. EDIT: yeah, it didn't change anything... oh well, worth a shot. |
Author: | MonsterMan [ 02 Sep 2018, 21:11 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
@Cinnabuns I tested it in Singleplayer and it worked great for the game camera, but didn't fix the inventory or map screens. Haven't tested it in multiplayer yet. |
Author: | Cinnabuns [ 02 Sep 2018, 21:35 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
I found this. It doesn't involve adding the line to Engine.ini but it did work however it was horribly Vert - which is ballz and unplayable. Also, I couldn't create a new character because the Accept button was offscreen. Its a bit hard to understand what they're trying to convey in a few places here. Like the "Add these lines" section. All those lines are already in the .ini file. And where it says, "you need to change it with the following" last part. I believe these settings relate to Windowed mode though I'm not sure. If you switch to Windowed mode though the window is very small AND if you have the file open in Notepad++, after you close the game, Notepad++ says the file has been changed and if you'd like to load the new changes. When you load the new changes it reverts those res settings 1280x720. Not sure what the poster meant by, "you need to change it with the following". Makes no sense. Source: https://segmentnext.com/2018/08/30/scum ... ution-fix/ <---If you're not running a pop-up blocker this site is freaking annoying which is why I copied the info below. TITLE: SCUM 21:9 Resolution Fix, No Audio, Fatal Error, Game Not Launching, Black Screen And Fixes =============================================================== Ultrawide/21:9 Resolution Fix Players have reported that the game doesn’t display Ultrawide 21:9 properly. However, there is a fix for that which can potentially fix the 21:9 issues for SCUM. To fix this issue right-click on the game’s exe file and select properties. Now select “compatibility” and then check the box under “High DPI scaling override” and change “Application” to “System” and apply it. With that done, press “Win + R” and type “%localappdata%” and hit enter. A window will open and you need to follow the following path: “SCUM\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor”. Here you will find “GameUserSettings.ini”, open it in notepad as you need to change some things for the Ultrawide 21:9 issue to resolve. Press “Ctrl + F” and type “bUseDesiredScreenHeight=False” and hit enter. Once the line is highlighted in the notepad change False to True. Now look for “HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000” and you don’t need to change anything here but add the following lines under it. bUseVSync=False WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 FullscreenMode=1 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=1 Version=5 FrameRateLimit=0.000000 Before you save these settings make sure “FullscreenMode” is set to 1 and “PreferredFullscreenMode” is set to 1. You will also need to change your resolution before you save and exit. You need to find the following: ResolutionSizeX=3440 ResolutionSizeY=1440 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=3440 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1440 You need to change it with the following: DesiredScreenWidth=1280 bUseDesiredScreenHeight=True DesiredScreenHeight=720 Now save these changes and this should resolve the Ultrawide issue for you. =============================================================== |
Author: | Cinnabuns [ 02 Sep 2018, 21:45 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
MonsterMan wrote: @Cinnabuns I tested it in Singleplayer and it worked great for the game camera, but didn't fix the inventory or map screens. Haven't tested it in multiplayer yet. Doesn't do anything for me... odd. I can't even set the res in-game. Its in the list to select but if you pick it and apply, it does nothing. I've only played Single Player so far so that isn't the issue. |
Author: | chillbill [ 03 Sep 2018, 07:15 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
That worked for me.. Although the HUD scales terribly. We could almost be onto something here! FYI i'm running 3 x 2560x1440 (7680x1440) Resolution, if you are using 5760x1080, just change any resolution numbers with your own. Here is my GameUserSettings.ini [ScumSettings] scum.MouseSensitivityTP=0.706723 scum.MouseSensitivityFP=0.703416 scum.MouseSensitivityDTS=0.435588 scum.MouseSensitivityScope=0.902843 r.MotionBlur.Amount=0 scum.CustomGraphicsPresetFlag=1 scum.MusicSoundVolume=0.7 LastUserProfile=1 LastSessionIP= scum.MasterSoundVolume=1 [ScalabilityGroups] sg.ResolutionQuality=100.000000 sg.ViewDistanceQuality=3 sg.AntiAliasingQuality=3 sg.ShadowQuality=3 sg.PostProcessQuality=3 sg.TextureQuality=3 sg.EffectsQuality=3 sg.FoliageQuality=3 [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] bUseDynamicResolution=False ResolutionSizeX=7680 ResolutionSizeY=1440 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=7680 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1440 AudioQualityLevel=0 DesiredScreenWidth=7680 bUseDesiredScreenHeight=True DesiredScreenHeight=1440 LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000 bUseVSync=False WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 FullscreenMode=1 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=1 Version=5 FrameRateLimit=0.000000 Aaaand here is my Engine.ini File [Core.System] Paths=../../../Engine/Content Paths=%GAMEDIR%Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/SoundUtilities/Content Paths=../../../SCUM/Plugins/Wwise/Content Paths=../../../SCUM/Plugins/DonAINavigation/Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/2D/Paper2D/Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Editor/CryptoKeys/Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Enterprise/DatasmithContent/Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Media/MediaCompositing/Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/AppleARKit/Content Paths=../../../Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Oculus/OculusVR/Content [/Script/Engine.LocalPlayer] AspectRatioAxisConstraint=AspectRatio_MaintainYFOV Any ideas for the HUD?? |
Author: | chillbill [ 03 Sep 2018, 07:19 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
File comment: Here a screenshot
SCUMTP.jpg [ 4.86 MiB | Viewed 16672 times ] |
Author: | Cinnabuns [ 15 Sep 2018, 15:23 ] |
Post subject: | Re: SCUM - multimonitor support |
Yep, the devs have supposedly fixed widescreen/triple monitor aspect and you can now get Hor+ in-game though I have yet to test it. There is some wonkiness where you need to switch to windowed first, then switch back to get the game to actually go fullscreen and utilize 3 monitors. I've experienced that issue myself. CONFIRMED! Tested using your settings with my res: [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] bUseDynamicResolution=False ResolutionSizeX=5760 ResolutionSizeY=1200 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=5760 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=1200 AudioQualityLevel=0 DesiredScreenWidth=5760 bUseDesiredScreenHeight=True DesiredScreenHeight=1200 LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000 bUseVSync=False WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 FullscreenMode=1 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=1 Version=5 FrameRateLimit=0.000000 HUD is all fixed and usable now and the map works fine. I set the .cfg to Read Only also because it seems the game wants to keep writing to it. |
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