Ok I have played with it some last night;
Rearanged the cables so that 2 monitors are the GTX285 flagged #1 by the OS and one on the card flagged as #2, and on the #2 card it is on the DVI port furthest away form the MB (as shown in the diagram during the setup) before that I had 2 monitors on the #2 card and one on the #1. A side note is that no matter what 3 I selected I could setup the surround desktop and play WoW, but most other games crashed.
I also used a driver cleaner to clean up in safe mode after uninstalling the drivers, this way I know I am getting a clean install.
Results after the re-cable/clean re-install of drivers;
I can start almost every game, Crysis Warhead in med detail wil run in DX9 mode for 15-20 min and then i will get a video driver crash. It crashes in dx10 mode fairly quick < 5 min and sometimes sometimes when I go to load a game, In either mode i can get the menu up just fine.
WoW still plays great.
Alien Swarm is 50/50 sometimes it just works, other times it crashes when i go to select my character.
Torchlight works great
LOTRO is working, however i did not hang out that long; I disabled the DX10 effects.
StarTrek online was working only played for about 15 min before logging out.
I have found a surefire way to crash the driver using the
Sun Village Screensaver. Using largely the the devault settings just making sure that the desktop resolution is selected (in my case 5040x1050). Bring up the screensaver poperties and hit the preview button, in less than 2 min the driver will crash. at which point I can hit the escape button and get back to the desktop.
At this time I think there is an issue with the NV surround WHQL drivers where the 2x GTX285 cards are concerned.
Specifics on my card set-up:
No over clocking (other than factory)
On the motherboard (
asus p6t6 ws):
BFG GTX OC in the 16x/8x blue PCIE slot closest to the CPU (identified as card #2 in the OS/drivers)
BFG GTX OCx in the 16x/8x blue PCIE slot in the middle (identified as card #1 in the OS/drivers)
Here is loking forward to the next driver release, I will just play WoW in surround untill then.