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nvidia surround setup with additional monitors.
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Author:  MaxThomassen [ 26 Jun 2015, 02:29 ]
Post subject:  nvidia surround setup with additional monitors.

hey guys, i have a 3 monitor setup in surround, with one additional display.
The thing is i want more additional displays, does anyone know if that's supported or possible?
Iam going for a 3monitor surround with 3 additional monitors... Any input would be appreciated :P

Author:  Cygnus [ 26 Jun 2015, 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: nvidia surround setup with additional monitors.

I'm not sure whether a second card would be suitable, but it might be possible with a Triplehead2Go, since that appears as a single monitor to your video input.

Additional display connection > Triplehead2go > 3 monitors.

I was thinking of trying the same thing myself with Nvidia Surround + 3 extra monitors, since I have a Triplehead2go. If I get it working I'll post back.

Unfortunately TH2GO's are expensive even used.

Author:  MaxThomassen [ 26 Jun 2015, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: nvidia surround setup with additional monitors.

Thats an excellent idea, will love to hear if it works out.. The ting is i want 6 screens for when i play eve online, but i want my tipple screen surround for when i play any other game, so if this works, that would save me the trouble of configuring all the screens every time...

Author:  Cygnus [ 29 Aug 2015, 00:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: nvidia surround setup with additional monitors.

Just to note that I did eventually try this and I could not get the TH2Go to work at full resolution but I think that is because I connected it to a HDMI port rather than DUAL-DVI. I might try it again in the future. The monitors did show up and worked well, just at a lower resolution. I'm pretty sure it was just that I had hit the bandwidth limit of the HDMI cable/port.

However I did manage to add 2 accessory monitors to my nvidia surround setup by having one as an nvidia accessory and the other (the fourth) connected to the motherboard's internal INTEL HD GRAPHICS option. Once the drivers were installed and the onboard video enabled in the bios the extra monitor worked fine at full resolution.

So it can be done...
I have an ASUS Z97 PRO and GTX970.

Many new motherboards have inbuilt intel video so you might be able to get at least 5 displays on one computer without spending any money. Also the Z97 PRO has a multimonitor setting which I enabled so maybe both the VGA and DVI motherboard connectors will take monitors. I'll give that a go too. That would equal 6 monitors :)

Author:  ElBerryKM13 [ 01 Sep 2015, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: nvidia surround setup with additional monitors.

I'm using 5 screens with 2x 980ti. What i can tell you is that sli will not work with more than 4 monitors. Any monitor hooked to the second gfx card will get disabled and when you disable sli desktop will be a mess you will have to redo all your icons the way you like them and sort the monitors the proper way via Screen Resolution. Bummer that you can't use sli with more than 4 monitors tho that's why i might go amd next time around they support 6 monitors with just one card unlike nvidia.

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