Widescreen Gaming Forum

BF1 and BF5 after changing to 3 x 1440
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Author:  stairmand [ 30 Dec 2018, 21:52 ]
Post subject:  BF1 and BF5 after changing to 3 x 1440

Hi all, sorry I only seem to drop by when I have a problem but wondered if anyone else had come across it.

Before I was running 3 1680x1050 monitors on a GTX1080 and despite them not looking great all worked perfectly. This week I changed to 3 2560x1440 144Hz monitors (7816x1440 Bezel corrected) and now BF1 and BF5 crash at random intervals (I just get dumped back to desktop)

I made sure I was on latest display drivers. Things i've tried so far :

Turn off Origin in Game
Turn off Windows game mode
Turn off high DPI settings
Tried at both Bezel corrected and non bezel corrected resoloutions
Tried at a lower refresh rate
DX11 and DX12 mode
Remove and uninstall my Oculus kit and additional controllers etc
Complete windows reinstall

When it runs it's OK, surprisingly ~45 fps. All other games are OK (although Tomb raider is 22fps )-: )

Any ideas?

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