Widescreen Gaming Forum

Notebook or desktop
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Author:  packerfan [ 07 Mar 2007, 22:04 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

I am debating on which to try to get (if my parents break down)

Laptop E1705 2.0 c2d 7900gs 2gb ram wuxga screen
Can be brought to friends house easily
Can let my parents borrow for trips (large factor)
Can be brought on vacations and just about everywhere
Accidental Warrenty
Less Power
Hard to Upgrade
Crappy cost to power ratio.

Desktop: 24 screen 5.1 surround sound core 2 duo e6300 8800gts 2gb overclocking ram htpc case
Great power to cost ratio
Easy to upgrade
Better components eg: sound card 7.1 vs 2.1
Htpc case is somewhat portable
Can't be brought on vacation
Can't easily be brought to a friends house, i might look insane.

On a further note they both cost about the same price
Please give me an explination why you have ____ reasoning

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 07 Mar 2007, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

I voted desktop since I believe you also wanted to play games on it right? If you want to play games you definatly want to go desktop.

On the other hand though, if games aren't a really big thing to you and you want to play a match of Patience :wink: every now and then you're probably better of with a laptop.

Author:  BlackHat [ 07 Mar 2007, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

If you buy a laptop... you lose youre power of a desktop pc. And that is what you dont wanna mis.

Author:  packerfan [ 07 Mar 2007, 23:31 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

Ok yes i like to play games but keep in mind i have never ran a game above low-medium quality so im used to crappy looking games.

Author:  TomCo [ 08 Mar 2007, 02:11 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

Get both,

Get a slightly smaller screen (22") and perhaps ditch the surround sound for the time being and you should be able to get a decent laptop for bringing around with you.

I bought a second hand 15" widescreen Acer laptop 1.7Ghz PentiumM, 2Gb ram and an X600 for €400

Author:  packerfan [ 08 Mar 2007, 02:13 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

Keep in mind im trying to convice parents....

Asking for two pcs is out of the question :D

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 08 Mar 2007, 03:02 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

So the only reason to get a Laptop is mobility? Or do you think this would be a discerning factor in convincing your "financiers" as they could potentially see it as an investment for thier own use as well? I don't think you should sell the "Take on vacations" point, that would be a barrier to finance I would say. Besides, you need to spend time away from your PC everynow and then... :hide (I felt the eyes and thoughts of millions of PC users zoom in on me just then all trying to collectively make me spontaneously combust.)

How often do you need to mobilise it? Why not get something that is easy to cart around other than the laptop? Cordless peripherals, case bag, small 19" LCD, no surround sound, just 5.1 headphones.

Surely your "financiers" would be more inclined to get you a PC if you painted thier house... :hide

Author:  Violent Ken [ 08 Mar 2007, 03:23 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

i've had 3 laptops in the past 5 years for school, and honestly i probably could've survived only with the first. i always had a desktop for gaming.
for less performance and higher price, i cannot recommend a laptop unless you are bleeding cash

until laptops can be upgraded as easily as desktops i won't buy another. if i need to type quickly i can use pocketpc

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 08 Mar 2007, 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

Laptop is only for people that have small spaces (like studio apartments or lots of room mates and stuff) that just like to chat, and brose the net, and listen to music and stuff. Great for that reason.

The other reason is mobility, if you travel alot.

When it comes to price, or performance. They lose out big time.

So its a no brainer to get a desktop unless the above applies to you.

I dont play games much anymore myself, but i still love the power my desktop brings me, also the nice monitor choices ^^

Im on the market for a laptop now myself for use at work, and I tell you as a PC enthusiast its HARD to find one up to my performance expectations that wont break the bank.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 08 Mar 2007, 09:09 ]
Post subject:  Notebook or desktop

Ok yes i like to play games but keep in mind i have never ran a game above low-medium quality so im used to crappy looking games.

I don't think that's how you want to think really. If you go for a low spec system the chances that you can't use it for longer then a year are great.
You will get some serious problems with running modern games, even at low settings. And I don't think you want that :wink:
I always say "cheap buying is expensive buying". With this I want to say that in the end you have to spend way more money then you would have if you bought a good rig in the first place.

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