Widescreen Gaming Forum

Ideal Monitor Angle for (3) 22" Setup
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Author:  TiTON [ 27 Mar 2009, 19:38 ]
Post subject:  Ideal Monitor Angle for (3) 22" Setup

Hey Folks,

I have been dreaming of a day where I can do a 3 monitor setup. .and it seems to be coming closer :) I have dual monitor setup, but it has never matched. So i only use a single screen for gaming.

I am planning to get a 3x 22" LCD Gaming setup. I cannot put these montors flat on the wall. I was wondering if anyone had an ideal "angle" for each monitor.

I am assuming for idea gaming, the 3 monitors should form a slight curve, to make the viewing a bit natural.

Does anyone have any input on this topic?

Any information or guidance would greatly be appreciated.

- Ton

Author:  [email protected] [ 28 Mar 2009, 01:40 ]
Post subject:  Ideal Monitor Angle for (3) 22" Setup

Well it depends how far your sitting from them. Adjust them so that the centers of the screens are equidistant from your eyes.

Author:  Alex_rcpilot [ 28 Mar 2009, 09:07 ]
Post subject:  Ideal Monitor Angle for (3) 22" Setup

As long as you're not planning to fix them to metal arms, you can fiddle around whenever you want until you find the most comfortable angles. It won't hurt anything.

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