Widescreen Gaming Forum

Weird Samsung 2433?
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Author:  Gecko [ 20 Oct 2009, 01:30 ]
Post subject:  Weird Samsung 2433?

I just bought a new Samsung Syncmaster 2433 monitor, 24".

Weird thing is, Samsung only has a 2433BW listed on their website. They list the 2433BW as having a 20,000:1 contrast ratio. Same with their popular T240 model, which is essentially the same monitor - the specs on the T240 and the 2433BW are virtually the same.

My monitor has a 'Syncmaster 2433' on the left (no BW designation) and it clearly states 50,000:1 on the right side of the monitor. Same with the box it came in.

So...did I get some limited run version? An early discontinued monitor that has better specs than the current versions? I can't find a plain 2433 on the Internet either.

I'm wondering as I'm thinking of trading it for a T240, which are on sale in Canada. The T240 has an HDMI input, which might be nice down the line.

However, it appears my version of the 2433 has a better contrast ratio? All other specs the same. So maybe I should keep it?

Too many specs. Head hurts. Flowchart crashed. Input appreciated. Opening scotch bottle...back in a bit...

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 20 Oct 2009, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Weird Samsung 2433?

The 2433 LW has an advertised dynamic contrast ratio of 50.000:1, too. :? That's just numbers anyway. Of course with Samsung you never know what kind of panel you'll get no matter how similar model names may be, but I don't think your 2433 is some secret, one-of-a-kind kickass prototype.

Author:  Gecko [ 20 Oct 2009, 13:23 ]
Post subject:  Weird Samsung 2433?

The 2433 LW has an advertised dynamic contrast ratio of 50.000:1, too. :? That's just numbers anyway. Of course with Samsung you never know what kind of panel you'll get no matter how similar model names may be, but I don't think your 2433 is some secret, one-of-a-kind kickass prototype.

Lol, didn't think I had a secret prototype...more like an early discontinued run. I've heard they will sometimes lower specs if a certain outgoing model competes with an emerging one, etc.

No info on their site about it, which is annoying.

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