Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is IPS really worth the extra cost?
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Author:  Abram [ 17 Dec 2009, 01:19 ]
Post subject:  Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

So I'm getting three new displays for Eyefinity-goodness.

Are IPS panels really worth the extra money? Now, I certainly can appreciate a better picture, but I don't need exact color reproduction or incredible viewing angles, but I've noticed that the Dell U2410 that's so praised here is 1/3 off, at $500 CAD and I'm contemplating getting it for my center display, or maybe even all three. I've been using nothing but TN panels and amazingly, no stores in my town sell IPS monitors, so i cun't even go look and see the difference for myself.

The other monitors of the same size are damned near half the price, and I'm pretty sure the price of IPS isn't going to go down any time soon.

Another concern is Dell and after-purchase their support. If i get a dead pixel, will they cover the shipping to and fro? I've read good things about their support in the US, but Dell Canada fired a few thousand staff last year, and i hear that will impact their support.

Maybe I'm just looking for a thumbs up so i can stomach spending so much on a monitor... I can afford it, but double the price hurts my sensibilities sooo much.

Author:  Gilly [ 17 Dec 2009, 10:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

IPS are better yes, no doubt. Just depends wether you can justify the cost. It's like buying a Pioneer Plasma, it knocks the pants off most of the other stuff on the market, but... Is it worth 2x as much?

You decide, but personally I wouldn't not buy an IPS, unless I was very short of money, OR, wasn't available with some spec I wanted.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 17 Dec 2009, 11:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

Get three screens the same, or you might have 'fun' with colour matching issues, etc...

I'd always go IPS over any other tech if I can.

Author:  X-Warrior [ 17 Dec 2009, 17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

Once you've had IPS you can't go back.

So basically if you don't think you need it, you can stick with TN and never know what you're missing. That's the cheap road.

On the other hand, if you go for IPS, it'll be very hard to downgrade to a TN again, all but forcing you to spend more in the future as well.

That said - yes, it's superior. I've seen many panels, at work, at home, but all of them are blown away by my IPS screen. Even after quite a few years.
Oh, there's another drawback - other people's low quality panels will really start to bother you once you're used to IPS quality. You have been warned. ;)

Author:  Abram [ 18 Dec 2009, 01:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

Well of course I don't needit, since my only real concern is gaming and video appearance, but the TN issues like uneven color and slight bleeding ( do these things even bleed at all? I've never seen mention of it reviews) has always been nibbling the back of my brain, and even though I've never seen a ISP panel on a PC in action, I'm not 100% on what I AM missing.

But I think I'll order just one and a pair of TN's for the side. If i find that the TN's are no longer any good I guess I'd have to wait for another Dell sale, because there's no way i could bring myself to shell out $750 for a 24" screen, disposable income or no. Plus the more i spend on displays, the less I'll spend on other upgrades....

I started with wanting a big TV, but this three-monitor thing is turning out to hurt my head a bit more.

thanks for the replies, folks.

Author:  Anprionsa [ 18 Dec 2009, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

In the end you just need to pick the one you want. Take the leap or not. I have had both now (a TN Viewsonic and a IPS Dell) and to be honest I love my IPS monitors, but if it's not in your budget, either wait or buy TN.

Author:  Yui [ 22 Dec 2009, 03:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

yes it is...

Author:  Abram [ 09 Jan 2010, 06:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

Well i bought ONE for a slightly less nice sale, and ya, it was worth ti. not for the ISP alone, but the stand, hub, and input variety.

Now I'm thinking i may take my other two TN 24's back adn wait for the Dell to go on sale again....

Author:  Lebedev [ 11 Jan 2010, 09:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is IPS really worth the extra cost?

I prefer S-PVA 8)

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