Widescreen Gaming Forum

LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP
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Author:  Birdseye [ 28 Dec 2009, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

It seems that relatively short periods of time are sufficient to reasecss this question.

My rear projection Sony is really, surprisingly, going south. Frankly, seeing it's quality compared to the off brand Plasma display that the kids use makes me all the more ready to get a new one. Question is, which way to go? I want 65" minimum and probably not much more than 72". What are your thoughts on this as of 12/28/09?

I saw this thing


That surprised me with it's low cost. That is a warning sign, usually. Anyway, I am curious as to what you folks have and recommend.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 29 Dec 2009, 14:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

Personally I'd rate the TV's like this.

LCD > DLP > Plasma > Projection

LCD's are lovely, they don't burn in, you can get them run smooth as silk at 120Hz. Plus they have gotten much cheaper in years. I put them at the highest of high display wise.

DLP's have decent quality, the only problem with them is there relatively small viewing angle and the fact you have to replace bulbs. They are also bugger than other display technologies. But you generally get the most bang for your buck in this category. Make sure to get a newer DLP that uses 3 LED's instead of a color wheel though, on older DLP's that's the first thing to go and you can get color separation.

Plasma's Still have issues with burn it, I personally hate it, even though it's not permanent, I don't want to see my Hud every time I go to a dark screen. You'll have burn in issues even with regular tv, because on SD broadcast you get those black bars on the side. But if you want really REALLY smooth picture, get a new Plasma that runs at 600Hz. But i'm not gonna lie, I cant tell the difference between 600Hz and 120Hz.

Projection's are awkward in that there have been several revisions. If you buy another I would go with a 3LCD Projection TV, they are the highest quality projections available. But huge as crap.

Author:  bahnzii [ 06 Jan 2010, 01:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

Screen retention on Plasmas is not really an issue if you remember a few things.

1. burn in the screen properly when new - - use any of the available dvd's on the 'net or hook up your computer enable a full screen alternating color screen saver (spectrum on the Mac is perfect!!)
2. once you have a 100+ hours of burn in, adjust the colors, brightness, contrast and any orbit functions (for prevention of retention on static images) - no need to run at the cray brightness levels shipped from the factory.
3. when you are done playing your games, you might notice some retention on full black screens, just slip in the burn-in dvd or if hooked up to your computer, enable the screen saver and go to bed.

It might sound tedious and sure I do forget on occasion after long gaming nights, but I have yet to have any burn-in on any of my Plasmas.

I have a 50" 8th gen Kuro for my main computer monitor. I also have a 9th gen Kuro 60" and a 11th gen 50" Panasonic all of which have computers and consoles hooked up to them and none of them have any burn-in.

Only now with Eyefinity and S-IPS panels, possibly with LED backlighting, am I considering moving to a 3 monitor setup because once you experience Plasma blacks you are spoiled :)

Author:  01Boxer [ 08 Jan 2010, 22:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

It's also 10 inches smaller than 65".

Budget will be an important factor in the decision. Rear projection gives the best inches/dollar ratio but Plasma (Pioneer or Panasonic) will give the best picture quality. A front projector might also be an option if the room has no windows and it's large enough.

Author:  LeeNux [ 25 Feb 2010, 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

two things come to mind: lcds have overall the better brightness - so if you're in a bright room then they're to be preferred; plasmas shine when it comes to their black levels or contrast - so try this if you use it in a dark room, especially home cinema rooms without windows. also consider viewing angle and distance, maybe 24p support (if you're a home cinema enthusiast?).

maybe you'd try taking a look over at avforums, that's a pretty big community revolving all around the big screens and helped me out a lot in my decision making progress to buy a new tv ;)

Author:  Truckchase! [ 04 Mar 2010, 06:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

Do you care about input lag?

Author:  g00seberry [ 04 Mar 2010, 15:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: LCD vs Plasma Vs DLP

The OP hasn't been online for over 2 months and the thread had become a haven for spam before I cleaned it out, so I'm gonna lock it.

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