Widescreen Gaming Forum

New pc ATI or Nvidia
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Author:  omegaferrari [ 12 Jun 2010, 16:53 ]
Post subject:  New pc ATI or Nvidia

hi everyone , long time i didnt write on the forums , im building a new pc for upcoming 2010 games (mafia 2 , Crysis 2 ,dead rising 2 , and perhaps some other games) i still want to be able to play batman arkham asylum and batman aa 2, but as you can see some of these upcoming and older games have PHYsX, so, will i be able to play with phsyx on these games if i buy an ati 5970 and put an old gts250 for physx , is there a way? or should i just buy a gtx480, if so, is the gtx 480 really that hot while gaming , and is it loud , i have a gtx285 so far its not as loud, so if you have upgrade from this card to a gtx480 all opinions appreciated. are you guys playing ati and nvidia with physx? this is the only thing holding me back from getting a 5970 , and some anti aliasing issues in some games , have they been resolved? thanx in advance.

Mod edit: Double post. Topic can be found here:

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