Widescreen Gaming Forum

blackbars with widescreen (4:3)
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Author:  solomon [ 29 Jun 2010, 09:19 ]
Post subject:  blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Hello all!

I got a BENQ T2200HD widescreen(21.5") and im playing CS in 800x600 res.
The problem is that I _dont_ get black bars, which I want to have. I do have a DVI-D cable from my screen to my gfx but yea.. well, I dont get that function on my nvidia control panel.

The wierd thing is that i ONLY get the function if I change my res to 800x600 in windows aswell, then I can get black bars up and down on my screen, but I want to have it on my sides. Like this:

(its swedish on the picture since Ive written on swedish forums aswell)

The picture says:
My Counter-Strike right now, its all over my screen
(the black are CS)

This is how I want it to look like:

Look at the sides, then you will see its gray borders
Picture: This is how I want my CS to look like
(white on the sides are the black bars)

This is the closest I can come:

As you can see - the white are the "black bars" so, my 800x600 is WAY to small when I got it like this
So, my problem is that when I got 800x600 it stretches out all over my screen(1920x1080) so it gets pretty much blurry.
and as I said; I can ONLY get this options when I use 800x600 in windows, which are crapty tongue.gif

This is how it looks when Ive changed res to 800x600 in windows:

and this is how it looks with my original res:

so, as you can see I just have that function when I use 800x600 on my 21.5" screen.
As you also can see on http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/7312/asdfg1.jpg you can see ive made a circle around the "black bar - picture" to the right, thats how I want it to look in CS.
Anyone know how to fix this?

I got the latest drivers.

Author:  Tamlin [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Scaling might be broken in the drivers or your screen overrides it. Try this:

or another driver set. :)

Author:  solomon [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Scaling might be broken in the drivers or your screen overrides it. Try this:

or another driver set. :)

I dont have that functions :P since that thread is from 2006 it has come pretty many new things :p
but what I know my screen is just a plug&play, but im gonna take a look about drivers.

Author:  solomon [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

since a Moderator has to check my post before you can read it I gotta write a double post;

I've reinstalled my Graphic driver like, 5 times and Ive also tryed the 197 driver but its the same problem.
I got a "aspect" function on my screen menu but it scales to 1:1 or something like that, instead of 4:3.

Also; My screen does not have any drivers(not even from BENQ homepage)
I got a Nvidia GeForce 8600GTS.

Author:  Tamlin [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

I accepted both posts, so I don't think you need post approval anymore. :)

Gave away my last Nvidia card of "newer date" and only have spares. But, did Nvidia remove the custom resolution function? Thats where you find the same settings as you see in that old thread.

I don't know if Benq have that option in their screen, but try to turn off DDC/CI in the on screen menu. Its broken scaling on some other screens.

Author:  solomon [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Found that custom resolution now so im gonna try that from the old thread =)
and yes, I got that DDC thing, I turned it of now.

But what does it do? =)

Author:  Tamlin [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Found that custom resolution now so im gonna try that from the old thread =)
and yes, I got that DDC thing, I turned it of now.

But what does it do? =)

DDC/CI allows for software control over monitor function (like brighness etc). Most people don't use that, so its not a point to have it on. :)

Author:  solomon [ 29 Jun 2010, 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

hehe okay =)
Well, as I said I found that customize blabla but I cant find "Advanced Timing" and I dont really understand that thread really good tbh :p

If you understand the thread; maybe you could add my MSN and you controll my pc via Remote Assistance? Instead of spam F5(update) to help me I think this would be faster. :)

Author:  Tamlin [ 29 Jun 2010, 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Sorry, I can't do remote assistance now. :(

Could walk you though it, but I figured out that you have scaling on your screen that you can use. :)

go into your screen menu on your monitor and select display mode. There you can toggle between aspect and full.

Author:  solomon [ 29 Jun 2010, 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: blackbars with widescreen (4:3)

Sorry, I can't do remote assistance now. :(

Could walk you though it, but I figured out that you have scaling on your screen that you can use. :)

go into your screen menu on your monitor and select display mode. There you can toggle between aspect and full.

Yea, I can change it to aspect there but it makes it to like 1:1 instead of 4:3, it way to (since you are from norway) -intryckt-

It looks like this:

this is my ordinary screen:

This is with aspect:

The lines in the middle, thats my CS, and the rest are blackbars.
This is how I want it:


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