Widescreen Gaming Forum

New system, question #47: the CPU
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Author:  01Boxer [ 10 Jul 2010, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  New system, question #47: the CPU

I have reached the point in my quest to build a new computer where i have to buy the CPU. It's probably the biggest decision of my build because it also effects the choice of motherboard and memory. I have decided to get a quad-core but i hesitate between the three socket types. The motherboard will have to support both SLI and Crossfire to be future-proof. Unfortunately, my budget is also a bit limited at the moment.

-Has the best performance but carries a significant price premium over the other two sockets (triple channel DDR3 and X58 motherboard are a lot more expensive).
-Is a dead end for future upgrades as Intel is going to introduce yet another socket.
Possible purchase: i7 930 (now) or i7 950 (end of August price drop).

-Great price/performance ratio (i5 750).
-Performance penalty in Crossfire/SLI.
-Will be replaced by a new socket.
Possible purchase: i5 750 (now) or i5 760 (end of July).

-Cheapest overall system price.
-Lower performance than Intel.
-Motherboard possibly compatible with future CPUs.
Possible purchase: Phenom II X4 or X6.

What would you recommend?

Author:  Gilly [ 11 Jul 2010, 09:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: New system, question #47: the CPU

Question is how much you want to spend to be honest.

The i5 750 offers same gaming performance as any quad core socket 1366 chip, more or less, but without the added cost. But if you are doing video encoding then the HT on the i7 chips and the i5 8 series would be beneficial if the software you use takes advantage of it.

I honestly don't think that the performance loss on the i5 is great with crossfire/ SLI, sure it has less bandwidth and maybe if you are running 2560x1600 res at 8xAA you might see a difference, but I don't really think it effects too much.

The X6 AMD is good for gaming, but for other heavy computing tasks you might even find a quad core intel running circles around it.

All depends on the cost. my ideal build would run with a i7 930 and 6GB RAM with a USB3/SATA 6Gbps motherboard, at the moment, or maybe an X6 with 8GB RAM and same spec board, but as a second choice at the moment.

Author:  skeeder [ 11 Jul 2010, 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: New system, question #47: the CPU

I just built a new rig for work (work...not personal).

As a financial manager I don't need gaming but just massive screen space to see alot at once. I didn't want any lag time and wanted it to last 5 years without having to worry/convince my boss I need a new rig.

Specs i5 650 (dual core), 4GB DDR3 Dual Channel @ 1600, EVGA P55 Mobo, EVGA 9500GT.

I'm very impressed with the i5. I highly recommend it. From what I've read i7's MAIN benefit is to the 3d rendering/hardcore computing crowd.

Author:  Yui [ 12 Jul 2010, 04:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: New system, question #47: the CPU

Definitely get the i7 950 because of the price drop in August!

Author:  01Boxer [ 09 Sep 2010, 20:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: New system, question #47: the CPU

Update: i just ordered the i7 950.

All i have left to buy is the motherboard, the memory and the video card(s)...

Author:  Gilly [ 11 Sep 2010, 08:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: New system, question #47: the CPU

Good choice!

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