Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is there a way to get 30"+20"+20" as one screen?
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Author:  rich0550 [ 06 Sep 2010, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  Is there a way to get 30"+20"+20" as one screen?

Thd2go and eyefinity seem to need all same resolution, whatever it is would need to support 2650+1200+1200 x 1600. Is there any solution out there to turn that to one monitor?

Thank you.

Author:  DaFox [ 06 Sep 2010, 23:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a way to get 30"+20"+20" as one screen?

SoftTH is your only option.

Author:  rich0550 [ 07 Sep 2010, 01:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a way to get 30"+20"+20" as one screen?

SoftTH is your only option.

thanks im off to those forums to check, how good of a solution is it? all around

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 09 Sep 2010, 05:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a way to get 30"+20"+20" as one screen?

[quote]SoftTH is your only option.

thanks im off to those forums to check, how good of a solution is it? all around
A headache at first, then as you learn how to use it, less so.

Author:  rich0550 [ 14 Sep 2010, 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there a way to get 30"+20"+20" as one screen?

[quote][quote]SoftTH is your only option.

thanks im off to those forums to check, how good of a solution is it? all around
A headache at first, then as you learn how to use it, less so.

bleh.... WWII online is openGL dam

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