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 Post subject: NVIDIA Card Suggestions
PostPosted: 12 Oct 2010, 21:14 

Joined: 07 Jul 2007, 23:55
Posts: 2866
I have a GTS 250 (512MB). Circumstances beyond my control made it a faulty GTS 250 with a limited lifespan. So I think it would be wise to keep an eye out for potential replacements.

Power usage is critical here. Besides getting another GTS 250 (512MB) are there any other NVIDIA cards that have lower power consumption that would be superior with performance and/or VRAM?


PostPosted: 12 Oct 2010, 23:35 

Joined: 14 Jun 2004, 23:27
Posts: 114
I have a GTS 250 (512MB). Circumstances beyond my control made it a faulty GTS 250 with a limited lifespan. So I think it would be wise to keep an eye out for potential replacements.

Power usage is critical here. Besides getting another GTS 250 (512MB) are there any other NVIDIA cards that have lower power consumption that would be superior with performance and/or VRAM?

Well, the GTX 460 768MB card are priced fairly cheap, at least 20% faster and if Tom got it right, actually use less power than a GTS 250.


PostPosted: 13 Oct 2010, 12:49 
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GTX460 barely uses 160w (if they'd been a little more efficient, they might have got it working with a single 6-pin...) even flat-out... GTS450 perhaps if that's too much?

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 01:16 

Joined: 07 Jul 2007, 23:55
Posts: 2866
Okay the GTS 250 I have is 512mb which apperently uses the old board from the 9800gtx. While the GTS 250 1GB uses a newer board with less power consumption than the 512mb model. :|

So what is the actual power comsumption of my current GTS 250 512?

Better than this...(9800GTX+)


Worse than this...(GTS 250 1GB)


Idle 128-204
Load 248-310


PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 01:44 
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Idle 128-159
Load 248-263


Fixt. Don't compare between the two sites since those are full system power consumption charts.

Now since the Load only matters when you're trying to keep max consumption at a minimum for a shitty PSU. You're now down to basically a 15 watt difference between the GTS 250 and the 9800GTX+.

Now all you need to do is find a newer chart that has cards worth buying today, I.E. 5770/GTX460/6850. As long as it has at least 1 card that is on the techreport chart you're fine with a little math. 8)

Edit: Why is power usage so critical anyway, are you on a 300Watt PSU?

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 04:57 

Joined: 07 Jul 2007, 23:55
Posts: 2866
I am on an old Silencer 470 ATX. It is at least 4 years old. It has a lot of miles on it.

When I got the GTS 250 it had some of the same issues as the defective 9800GTX+ it replaced. When I pulled one of my HDDs I believed these problems lessened. And like the old defective card the problems are now becoming more frequent.

Based on this I am assuming I am near the edge of my old PSU and need a card that is under the GTS 250 512MB requirements. Which NVIDIA sorta provides it seems.

141W Max
450 PSU
Two 6-pin

GTS 250
150W Max
450 PSU
One 6-pin

GTS 450
106W Max
400 PSU
One 6-pin

GTX 460
160W Max
450 PSU
Two 6-pin

I am not going to replace the PSU, the system is too old for that. But I want a working GPU and I don't want to downgrade.

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 10:53 
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Try the 450? Or try the 460, might be worth a shot.

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 13:57 
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GTS 450 is an upgrade in some games and downgrade in some. Basically a sidegrade:

I would go GTX 460 if you believe the PSU is up to it. :)

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 17:45 
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On the flip side the 6850 maxes out at 127Watts, much better than even the 9800GTX+.

And it's the best performing card here. :wink:

PostPosted: 26 Oct 2010, 20:41 
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It's also not made by nVidia, unless I missed a memo somewhere? ;)

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