Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dual 5850's vs 6950 2g
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Author:  CrashAegis [ 23 Aug 2011, 16:02 ]
Post subject:  Dual 5850's vs 6950 2g

The 5850's have served me well for almost 2 years now, but I'm starting to get odd artifacting at times, plus the fact that I cannot even play FEAR 3 (everytime I look at a certain type of light source for too long it hard locks the machine), so I was wondering if its time to bid them adeiu.

The question is: What kind of performance change am I going to see if I go from the dual cards back down to a single? (not taking to account my cards acting a bit iffy) If I sell my foot I can probably snag a second 6950, but is it worth it?

Currently running an i7 920 at 3.8, 5760x1080 at full screen, 6 gigs of ram, single optical drive, 2 hdd

Author:  Abram [ 24 Aug 2011, 01:02 ]
Post subject:  From the benchmarks that

From the benchmarks that Ibrin did, which you can find HERE, dual 5850's faired a little better, overall. You can find the benchmark graphs for different games at the bottom of the page.

Author:  HoudiniAct [ 24 Aug 2011, 04:30 ]
Post subject:  The 5850's only did better in

The 5850's only did better in widescreen not eyefinity. Also they only did better in widescreen because his setup is CPU limited. He stated that somewhere in the review. The 6950's are faster than the 5870's not to mention the fact that there crossfire scaling is better overall.

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