Widescreen Gaming Forum

One expensive Dell UltraSharp U2410 24-inch VS 2 cheap 2 of Dell ST2420L 24-inch Full HD
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Author:  Am2Widescreen [ 23 Jan 2012, 05:22 ]
Post subject:  One expensive Dell UltraSharp U2410 24-inch VS 2 cheap 2 of Dell ST2420L 24-inch Full HD

Now I was wonder witch monitor I should get. Because my old 244t died and cannot be repaird and I need a new one. They both are the same price except I get two monitors for the price of the dell utra sharp u2410. I do like the colors on the u2410 though. It will be my main monitor.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 23 Jan 2012, 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Depends on what you're going

Depends on what you're going for. Color will be much better on the u2410, hands down. But If I was choosing between the 2 options for myself. It's go with two separate monitors and probably buy a third one later for some eyefinity / surround action. Also, having multiple monitors is great for multitasking in which i do a lot.

Author:  Am2Widescreen [ 02 Feb 2012, 02:13 ]
Post subject:  Thank you for your response I

Thank you for your response I chose the u2410 first then I will purchase the other 2 after. I have dual 470s and a i7 right now so for now I am good.

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