Widescreen Gaming Forum

Running a One-Handed Gamepad and a Mouse?
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Author:  Tanuki [ 02 Mar 2012, 03:06 ]
Post subject:  Running a One-Handed Gamepad and a Mouse?

So after getting more into Dolphin I started playing with mouse for one hand and the left side of a 360 controller in the other. It was strange for a bit, and then fantastic.

Having cake and eating it etc..

But a 360 controller is not weighted for that and it will screw up your hand or force you to hold it in fixed positions to play with comfort.

I started looking around for a one-handed gamepad and most I found are for one-handed gameplay(stunning). Which means a lot of weight and extra buttons.

I am thinking I need the following on the one-hander.

Analog Controller
3 buttons (one that can be held down with moving)

In my perfect world it would have

Analog Controller with push in button
2 buttons that can be held down while moving
at least two other buttons
wireless with built in recharging

Well looky here.


Replicating the major functionality of the left side of a standard PlayStation Wireless Controller, the PlayStation Move navigation controller features a left analog stick (with L3 button function), a D-pad, and L1 and L2 analog triggers.[9] The navigation controller also features X and O action buttons, as well as a PS button.

Is anyone successfully running a setup like this on PC?

Dualshock 3 Bluetooth
Move Navigation Bluetooth
Wired Mouse

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 02 Mar 2012, 19:50 ]
Post subject:  It seems that you have not

It seems that you have not heard of splitfish.


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 02 Mar 2012, 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Or the Logitech G13, which I

Or the Logitech G13, which I think has a little analog stick?

Author:  Tanuki [ 03 Mar 2012, 00:22 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the suggestions

Thanks for the suggestions but I prefer to be able to hold the pad in my hand. And I can't really justify paying $60 more for a glowing half-gamepad that I have to use with batteries.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 03 Mar 2012, 19:13 ]
Post subject:  Well there's always going the

Well there's always going the legit way. Buying a cheap Bluetooth adapter and a wii mote and nunchuck.
That's what I do. Dolphin now has Microsoft's Bluetooth protocol built in, so you don't even need blue-soeil (or something like that, I cant remember).
Pretty much any <$2 adapter from china will work as long as it works in windows.

Author:  Tanuki [ 03 Mar 2012, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  I have been looking for a

I have been looking for a Blutooth dongle already.

I have found that any Wii game I own plays better with gamepad or gamepad+mouse. In fact the only Wii games I am looking at for the mote I currently don't own.

I love the lighter PS3 controller and their Navigation Controller is like a souped-up, wireless Nunchuck. I can then use it as a keyboard replacement for PC (hopefully).

I just need to get a good dongle for MotioninJoy.

Author:  Tanuki [ 13 Mar 2012, 04:25 ]
Post subject:  Well things started well

Well things started well until it died. RMA time.

Author:  blackrat [ 08 Apr 2013, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Running a One-Handed Gamepad and a Mouse?

A multi-buton mouse (like the Cyborg M.M.O 7) and the Sony Navigaton Controller in the left hand is perfect for me. Only tried a few games: Tomb Raidrr 2013 works perfect, even recognized as xbox360 Controller!

I hope, game developper wil be more aware of this in the future.

Maybe also a solution for the Oculus Rift, when not seeing your fingers.

Author:  Haldi [ 09 Apr 2013, 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Running a One-Handed Gamepad and a Mouse?

in the far future we will use stuff like this!


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