Widescreen Gaming Forum

XFX Triple Display Stand meets BenQ
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Author:  McBen [ 18 Aug 2012, 09:53 ]
Post subject:  XFX Triple Display Stand meets BenQ

Hey guys,

i recently purchased a XFX Triple Display Stand and im running it with 3 BenQ 22 inch monitors.

now i saw this video of Linus Tech Tips about a new BenQ GW2750HM 27 inch VA panel monitor.

So my question is, will the XFX TRISTAND support 3 27 inch monitors in potrait mode?
I dont have to ask about Landscape :P

And if not, should the WSGF upgrade kit help me out?

greetz Ben

Author:  McBen [ 20 Aug 2012, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  up^^


Author:  skipclarke [ 21 Aug 2012, 13:49 ]
Post subject:  The XFX stand is almost

The XFX stand is almost identical to the standard HD Triple. The only difference is that the base is different - and much lighter. It can handle monitors that are 22.5" wide. So, you'll need to see how tall the BenQ panels are before you rotate them. Check their product spec pages, or look at similar models if BenQ doesn't have the specs stand-free. Not sure of the weight limit on the XFX stand. With the lighter base you'll need to be more careful. The 5x1 bar isn't recommended for the XFX base. Ergotech tried that during the dev phase, and the stand tipped over due to the greater wing span and spread of the weight.

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