Widescreen Gaming Forum

Good Graphics Card?
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Author:  Mitchymanboy [ 20 Dec 2014, 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Good Graphics Card?

Hello!, I'm new to WSGF just ordered my 3 new ASUS vs229H-P 1080x 1920 monitors and an Ergotech tripple stand. Currently I have a GTX 650 Ti BOOST and was wondering which graphics card would allow me to play some games at 5760x 1080?

My budget would be around 700$ but to be honest, I really don't know what to expect from 650 anyway, I'm sure it's not much :( .
I'd like to max out the game but it seems like without 2x 980s I'm not sure I'd be able to :|
Playable FR is around 30+ for me, I'm not too picky, but I HATE STUTTERING! any help for a new member would be appreciated.

Also my monitors I got on the cheep so they have 1x VGA 1x DVI and 1x HDMI. Will a display port to HDMI create more latency?

Thanks in advance!

Author:  dr1v3n l1k3 stol3n [ 20 Dec 2014, 20:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Graphics Card?

Hi Mitchymanboy,

And welcome to WSGF. For your budget, I would look at SLI GTX 970's-if your motherboard supports two cards. I think the best bang for buck ATM. As most if not all Nvidia cards support 2 DVI ports, if you went SLI you could connect all three monitors using DVI. This means no messing about with converters etc.

Author:  cybereality [ 20 Dec 2014, 21:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Good Graphics Card?

Yes, 650 ti will probably be struggling at that resolution.

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