Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 03 Mar 2016, 01:46 

Joined: 20 Sep 2013, 20:17
Posts: 7
Hi... so I have to PC's. One has a cheap GPU that only supports 2 or 3 monitor and the other has a GTX 660 that supports 4 monitors.

I need 6 monitors minimum on the one with the GTX660. So is it possible to get a second GTX660, SLI them and run 6-8? Or do I need to/should go a different route? They don't need to be in the surround mode.

The other PC, I need to run 4 screens on and I was thinking a card like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 8141951322 or something with the same capabilities for cheaper, if that exists?
Or I could take the GTX660 and stick it in there and use that firepro for the 2 4K 40''s I mention below.

Basically on the main rig, I've come up with these two options:

6 23.6'' Acer screens = $690
Monitor Arms = $110
extra GPU = $150?
Total: $950


2 40'' 4k's = $1150

Money is fairly tight but the 4k's would be useful in some other area's... it probably depends on what you guys think the complexities of running 6-8 monitors on that PC will be... if a second GTX660 will be ok, ect?

Do you guys have any concerns about the 4K 40''? I've watched the tek syndicate videos on the 42'' ones and they seem to be great. IDK if they have changed at all though with the size difference.

Heres the review of the 42'' version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPXdOpaNUtg

Heres the 40'' version I'm looking at: http://www.ebay.com/itm/WASABI-MANGO-UH ... 1a0e80b2b3

Any help would be great!



PostPosted: 05 Mar 2016, 07:43 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
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I'm not that well versed with nVidia but you dont need SLI in your case, you just want more Monitors and not more performance in games right?
You could even add a low end GPU for more monitors if you dont have GPU heavy stuff like games or CAD on your machine.

P.S newegg link not working

We gonna send it to outa space!

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2016, 23:39 

Joined: 08 Apr 2007, 21:19
Posts: 4
Don't bother with 4k, I run multiple monitors of whatever I can get cheap, family members old monitors, best buy open box etc... I have no shame in making money.
I actually just purchased a 960gtx and it's being used along with a 260gtx and my intel integrated. Works fine, runs many monitors.

I have friends that trade on laptops with intergrated gpu, it's all personal preference and honestly, unless your running a buttload of charts on think or swim gpu won't matter... load up on ram man.

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